Secret - Dutch x Fem!Reader

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An:  A Very Happy Birthday to Chad McQueen. 

"Will you come by later tonight?" Y/n asked her boyfriend, as they were in their secret hiding spot at school. Dutch pulled away from her neck, before looking in her eyes. "You know I'll sneak into your room later." Dutch replied. "Okay, great." Y/n replied, smiling at him, before she placed her lips on his. "Alright, I'll see you later, princess." Dutch said as he pulled away from her, before letting her walk away from the spot. "Y/n, have you seen Dutch?" Tommy asked. "No. And why should I care?" Y/n asked. For the year Y/n and Dutch had been dating, they kept their relationship from their friends. It wasn't that easy on certain occasions, but they managed. "Wow, relax. I'm just asking." Tommy said as he looked at her, before she walked away. "Hey, Y/n. I was wondering something." Y/n could hear Daniel say. "What's up, Daniel?" Y/n asked. "Are you free tonight?" Daniel asked. "Uhm, no. I have plans already. With the Cobras."

Y/n replied, looking at the group of friends, who were now joined by Dutch and were watching her. "Oh, but I thought I heard that they were training." Daniel said. "No, it got cancelled and they're now going to hang out with me. Sorry, gotta go." Y/n replied as she heard the bell ring and walked to class. As the day went on, Y/n found herself and Dutch often sneaking off to their hiding spot for a quick makeout session. Later that night, she found herself singing along with her favorite songs on the radio. She had her back to the window and didn't see or hear Dutch climb in her room. She was singing and dancing along and Dutch couldn't help but smirk at her. He walked up to her and placed his hands on her waist, which made her jump and scream. "What the hell?!" She exclaimed loudly, which made Dutch laugh. "That's not funny. You scared me." Y/n said as she hit his chest. "I'm sorry, princess. But I couldn't help myself. You looked so good while dancing." He started.

"I just had to scare you." Dutch added, trying to calm his laughter. "Why did LaRusso talk to you?" Dutch asked after a while. "He wanted to hang out. But I told him I had plans." Y/n replied. "He dared to talk to you? Even though you're off limits?" Dutch asked. "We didn't tell anyone about us. So it's normal for him to assume that I'm single." Y/n replied. "I'll kill him if he dares to talk to you again." Dutch said. "I thought Kreese told y'all not to do anything until the tournament?" Y/n asked. "Then it has to wait till after the tournament." Dutch replied, as he placed his lips on hers, before walking to the bed and placed her down. Her hands went to the back of his neck as she pulled him closer to him. "How long do you think we can keep this from the boys?" Y/n asked as they pulled away after their makeout session. "I don't know. We have been keeping it from them for over a year." Dutch replied. "Do you think they're noticing something?" Y/n asked.

"Or that they're suspecting something?" "No, I don't think they are suspecting something. They're all too busy with the tournament." Dutch replied. "We should think about when we would tell them. I mean, we can't keep this from them forever." Y/n said. "Let's not think about that right now, okay. I just want to enjoy the peace and quiet we have. Knowing the boys they'll bother us every single time and I just want to have you all for myself for the time being." Dutch said. "Alright, mr Possesive." Y/n replied. "What did you call me?" Dutch asked as he looked at her. "Possesive." Y/n replied, before he started to tickle her sides, making her laugh. "Please, stop." Y/n laughed as he kept tickling her. "Say you're sorry." Dutch replied. "I'm sorry. I surrender." Y/n replied. "God, I love you." Dutch said as he placed his lips on hers again. "I love you too, baby." Y/n replied as she pulled away from his lips.

"Since it's a Friday tomorrow, I was thinking of going to the movies together." Dutch said. "Yeah, sure." Y/n replied. "Alright, great. We'll go right after school. I'll meet you there, okay?" Dutch asked. "Yeah, that's fine, baby." Y/n replied as she placed her lips on his once again. "I'm going, alright, princess. I'll see you tomorrow at school." Dutch said as he gave her one last short kiss on her lips, before he climbed out of the window. Y/n watched her boyfriend climb out of the window, before she walked to her bed and laid down on it. The day went by and it was now Friday.

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