Unplanned Pregnancy. Dutch x Fem!Reader

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"Y/n, your lover is here." Y/n could hear her brother call. "I'll be down in a minute." Y/n replied as she was leaning over the toilet. For the past couple of days, she wasn't feeling great. She had been throwing up, she had a lot of headaches and every single muscle in her body felt sore. She also missed her period and her breasts were swollen and very tender. Once she was feeling a little better, she got up from the floor and walked down the stairs into the garden, where she found her brother, friends and her boyfriend. "Hey, hot stuff. You okay?" Dutch asked as he looked at her. "I'm not feeling so good." Y/n replied. "Oh, what do you feel then?" Dutch asked. "Nauseous. I've been throwing up for the past few days. My muscles are sore." Y/n replied as she looked at Dutch. "Maybe you should go to the doctors. It's not normal to feel like that for so long." Bobby said. "I'll see." Y/n replied.

During the whole evening the boys were there, Y/n was laying on Dutch's lap as they were sitting in the love seat they had in the garden. "You really aren't feeling so great, do you, hot stuff?" Dutch asked after a while. "Not really." Y/n replied. "We can go and sleep if you want?" Dutch suggested. "Please?" Y/n asked. "Alright, let's go, hot stuff." Dutch said as she got up from his lap and stood up. "We'll see you Friday." Johnny said as he looked at the couple. "You'll see me in the dojo." Dutch said. "On friday." Johnny replied. "Oh, yeah. See you on Friday, then." Dutch said as he grabbed Y/n's hand and walked into the house. "Do you want me to take care of you, hot stuff?" Dutch asked as they walked into the room. "Maybe." Y/n replied as she looked at him, before she placed her lips on his. "Lay down on the bed, hot stuff. I'll take care of you." Dutch said as they pulled away and he took off his shirt.

Y/n laid down on the bed as Dutch leaned over her and placed his lips on hers again, while he unbuttoned her shirt. Dutch started to place kisses on her chin, going down to her neck, collarbone and between her breasts. She moaned slightly, before she suddenly felt sick again. Dutch looked at her, before letting her run to the bathroom. "I think you should go to the doctor." Dutch said. "Can you take me?" Y/n asked. "We can take mom's car." she added as she looked at him. "Sure, hot stuff. I'll take you." Dutch said as he held her hair back as she was throwing up. They walked back out of her room and walked out of the house, going to the car, before getting in. Dutch drove towards the doctor's practice, before parking the car. They got out of the car and walked into the practice. "Hello, do you have an appointment?" The girl asked as she looked at Y/n. "No, but my girlfriend hasn't been feeling the best for the past few days. Her name's Y/n." Dutch answered.

"I see that Dr Thomson has a free spot. If you wait for 2 minutes, she'll come and get you.?" The girl asked, smiling at the couple. "Alright, thank you." Y/n said, before they sat down in the waiting room. "Hi, are you my next appointment?" Dr Thomson asked as she walked into the waiting room. "Yes." Y/n replied. "Follow me to my office." The doctor said as she smiled at them. Y/n and Dutch got up from where they were sitting and followed the doctor towards the office. "How can I help you, Y/n?" The doctor asked. "For the past few days, I haven't been feeling great. I've been throwing up, I feel naesaus and my muscles are very sore some days. My breasts are also very swollen and tender." Y/n replied. "And when was the last time you two had sexual intercourse?" Dr Thomson asked. "3 weeks ago." Dutch replied. "Would you be so kind as to wait outside for a minute?" Dr Thomson asked Dutch, who looked at Y/n. "Uh yeah." Dutch replied.

"I'm going to let you take a pregnancy test. It just takes 10 minutes." Dr Thomson said. "Okay." Y/n replied. After 10 minutes, Dr Thomson looked at the test and looked at Y/n. "Congratualations. You're pregnant." She said. Y/n looked at the doctor and felt her world crumble. "Pregnant?" She asked. "Yes. I know that you might not have wanted that to happen and I know that you and your boyfriend were careful, but it happened." Dr Thomson said. "Do you want me to tell your boyfriend?" Dr Thomson asked. "Uhm, yeah." Y/n replied.

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