Holiday Sweethearts - Chozen Toguchi xFem!reader

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warning: Contains Unprotected Sex. !! MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT!!

October 1986

"Y/n, Are you packed? Daniel and Mr Miyagi will be here any minute." Y/n's mother said. "I'm packed, mom. I just can't close my suitcase." Y/n replied. Y/n was going to join her cousin Daniel and his mentor, Mr Miyagi, on their trip to Okinawa. Daniel had asked her if she wanted to join him, because he wanted to spend a little more time with his favorite cousin, who had recently lost her father. "You need any help, cuz?" Daniel asked as he had walked into her room. "Yeah, can you please close my suitcase?" Y/n asked. "Of course. I'll even help you bring it down stairs." Daniel replied with a smile. "Thank you, Danny. You are the best." Y/n said, before she walked out of the room and down the stairs. "I'm going to miss you, baby." Y/n's mother said as she hugged the girl. "I will miss you too, mom." Y/n replied, before she smiled. "I'm sure Mr Miyagi will keep an eye out for me to make sure I'm being a good girl, mom." She added.

"Will do. Y/n-san is safe with Mr Miyagi." Mr Miyagi said as Daniel walked down the stairs. "Don't worry, aunty. I'll protect her as well." Daniel said. "I want you both to let me know when you get in Okinawa, alright." Y/n's mom said. "Of course, mom." Y/n replied, before they walked out of the house and went to the airport. After almost a day of flying, they arrived in Okinawa. "Dan, why did you tell me to dress up nicely? It's a fucking airport." Y/n said. "We're going to Mr Miyagi's friend. She's very nice according to him." Daniel replied. They walked out of the airport and saw a boy waiting for them. Mr Miyagi introduced Daniel to the boy, before he looked at Y/n. "Who is this Bishōjo?" "This is Y/n, my cousin." Daniel replied. "Nice to meet you, Y/n. My name is Chozen." The boy replied with a smirk. "Nice to meet you too, Chozen." Y/n said as she looked at him with a sweet smile. "Are you karate student as well?" Chozen asked the girl.

"No, no. I'm a cheerleader back home." Y/n answered. "Chōzen, watashi ni unten shite moraimasu ka?" The other boy asked. "Īe, īe, watashi ga unten shimasu." Chozen answered. "And I want you to sit in the front with me, uh, Y/n." He added in english. "Oh, okay." Y/n said as Chozen's friend picked up her suitcase and placed it in the trunk. Chozen walked her to the passenger side of the car, before opening the door. She got in and so did Mr Miyagi. Daniel got in and not long after Chozen got in the driver side of the car. He drove towards an building that y/n didn't regconize and told Daniel to get out. "Wow, wait, what about Y/n?" Daniel asked. "Don't worry. I will take good care of her." Chozen said, before he got back in the car and drove away. "Don't fear. I won't do anything bad to you." Chozen said as he looked at Y/n. "You fucking kidnapped me. What do you mean anything bad?" Y/n answered. "I will not hurt you."

"I doubt that. Let me out of this car, before I will hurt you." Y/n said. "I will drop you off at Yukie's house." Chozen replied, with a slight look of sadness. He dropped her off at the house and Y/n walked up to the door, before knocking. "Hai?" A girl Y/n's age asked as she opened the door. "Hi, uhm, I'm Y/n. A friend of Mr Miyagi and I'm supposed to stay here with him and my cousin. But they are caught up with something at the moment." Y/n said. "Oh, come in. My name, uh, is Kumiko. It is a pleasure to, uh, meet you." The girl replied as she let Y/n walk in. "Nice to meet you too, Kumiko." Y/n said as she walked in the house after she took off her shoes. A couple of weeks went by and Y/n had become good friends with Kumiko. "Y/n-san. I have a question for you." Kumiko said as she walked up to Y/n, who was sitting in the sun in the garden. "Yes?" Y/n asked. "Daniel-san told me you dance. Would you like to, uhm, join me with teaching young kids?"

Kumiko asked. "Of course. That would be nice." Y/n replied, before she walked into the house to change. She went for a red and white checkered dress and some white flats, before she followed Kumiko out of the house. "Will you teach me some of the traditional dances?" Y/n asked. "Of course. If you show me some of your dances." Kumiko answered.

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