*Jealous - Dutch x Fem!Reader

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Warning: Contains unprotected sex. !!Don't Read If You Are A Minor!!

"Y/n. Can you come down to the living room? Mike has arrived." Y/n could hear her mother yell. "I'll be down in a second, mom." Y/n yelled back, since she was on the phone with her boyfriend. "I gotta go, babe. Are we still going to hang out at the beach?" She asked. "Fuck yeah, baby girl. I'll see you later. Oh and wear that bikini I like on you." Dutch replied. "You know I will. Love you, babe." "Love you too, baby girl." Dutch said, before hanging up. Y/n placed her phone down and walked out of her room. She walked down the stairs and into the living room, smiling as she saw her older cousin, Mike. "Hey Mike." Y/n said as she gave the boy a hug. "Hey, Y/n. How have you been?" Mike asked. "I've been alright. What about you?" "I'm doing alright. What do you say? Wanna hang out with your cool cousin?" Mike asked. "Sure. Let's go to the beach." Y/n said. "There are some people I'd like for you to meet." Y/n added as she ran up to her room.

She pulled on the bikini that drove Dutch wild and pulled her shorts back on with a loose button up. She walked back down and looked at Mike. "Let's go." Y/n said as she walked towards the front door. They walked out of the house and towards the beach. As they were walking around the beach, Y/n had seen that her boyfriend and friends had arrived at the beach. "Come, I'm going to introduce you to my friends." Y/n said as she grabbed Mike's arm and walked towards her friends. "What the fuck, Y/n? I thought we were going to hang out together." Dutch yelled as he looked at her. "Dutch, relax." Y/n said, walking closer to him. She tried to place her hands on his chest, to calm him down, but he pushed her hands away. "No. What the fuck? You're cheating on me?" Dutch angrily asked. "You really think that low about me? That after 3 years of being together I would cheat?" Y/n asked. "Yeah. Maybe I do." "What the fuck?" Y/n said.

"I'm not cheating on you." Y/n added as she was starting to get angry as well. "I don't believe you. After 3 years, after all the shit I did for you." "Wow, Y/n." Dutch said. "You know what? If you really think that low about me, maybe we shouldn't have been together in the first place. You can go and fuck yourself, dickhead." Y/n said as she walked away from Dutch and his friends. "You okay?" Mike asked as he walked after her. "Yeah." Y/n replied. "Why didn't you tell him that I'm your cousin?" Mike asked. "Because he wouldn't believe me." Y/n replied. "He's always jealous." Y/n added. A week went by and Y/n hadn't talked to Dutch that much. After the fight, she got calls from him, but she didn't answer them. She was currently in her room on the phone with Johnny. "You have to talk to Dutch. He really feels sorry." Y/n rolled her eyes as she laid down on her bed. "I told him that Mike is your cousin. As soon as he heard that, he immediately regretted yelling at you."

Johnny added. "He should have let me tell him in the first place. He's always fucking jealous." Y/n replied. "Okay, he can be jealous and maybe overprotective, but he loves you. Dutch is protective of you because he doesn't want to lose you. Because he doesn't want to let the best thing that happened to him slip away. You really mean a lot to him, Y/n/n." Johnny said. "I don't know, Johnny." Y/n said. There was a knock on her bedroom door and she looked over, seeing Dutch walk in. "I'll talk to you later, Johnny." Y/n said. "Alright, Y/n/n. I'll see you later tonight, at the beach." Johnny said as Y/n hung up the phone. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked as she turned to look at him. "I came to apologize. Johnny told me that the guy that was with you was your cousin. I'm sorry that I assumed that you were cheating." Dutch said as he looked at her. "You don't have to be scared that I might cheat. I would never do that to you." Y/n started.

"You mean too much to me." She added as she looked at him. "I know that, baby girl. And I shouldn't have doubted you. But I got scared. Scared that I might lose you." Dutch started. "You're the best thing that happened to me. I'm a different person when I'm with you. I don't want you to leave me." Dutch said as he sat down on her bed. "I love you." He added. "I love you too, babe."

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