"You're always a Champion to me." - Young Johnny Lawrence x Fem!Reader

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"And why are we moving to Reseda? What about our friends, ma?" Y/n LaRusso asked as she and her brother were in the car waiting for their mother. "Because we need a fresh start. And California is the place to be." Lucille replied. "What about our life here in Newark? It's prefectly fine the way it is. There's no need to move." Daniel said. "Danny, ma wants us to start over. It is what it is. I'm not keen on it either, but we have to go with her." Y/n said. "Fine. But I don't know if I'll be able to forget my friends here." Daniel replied as Lucille got in the car. Not long after Lucille and Daniel started the car, Y/n fell asleep. "Y/n, baby. We're at a motel." Lucille said as the girl woke up and looked around. The day passed and the drive towards Reseda continued. After the last 18 hours, they arrived at the new apartment. Y/n and Daniel helped unpack the car while Lucile was unpacking in the house. "Danny, I'm gonna help ma."

Y/n said as she walked into the complex and walked up the steps to the apartment. "Do you need help, ma?" Y/n asked. "No, sweetheart. Why don't you go and walk around? I think there would be some lovely places for you to sit and draw." Lucille replied. "You don't want me to help you?" Y/n asked. "No. Enjoy the fresh air." Lucille replied as she gave the girl her sketchbook and pencil case. "Alright, ma. I'll be back before dinner." Y/n said, before she walked out of the apartment. She walked down the street and ended up at the beach. She sat down on a rock that overlooked the beach and started to draw. "I can't wait to rule the school now that we're seniors." Y/n heard a boy say. She noticed a group of boys on the beach and smiled as she decided to draw them. "Hey Johnny, look. That chick over there looks hella good." She heard one of the boys say and immediately she noticed that they were making their way towards her.

She closed her sketchbook just as the boys walked up to her. "Can I help you?" Y/n asked. "No. We noticed that you were here by yourself." The blonde replied. "I just like to be by myself. Especially after nearly two days of being in the car with my brother and mother." Y/n answered. "Did you just move here?" The other boy beside the blonde asked. "I just got her this afternoon." Y/n replied. "Where did you move from?" "Newark." Y/n answered. "Newark? Damn, that's a long drive. I'm Bobby, by the way." The boy said. "Nice to meet you, Bobby." Y/n replied. The others introduced them as well and she smiled."What's yours?" Bobby asked. "Y/n." "Nice to meet you, Y/n." Bobby said. "Johnny, by the way. Nice to meet you." The blonde said to Y/n. "Nice to meet you, Johnny." "What were you doing, before we came up here?" Bobby asked. "I was drawing." Y/n answered. "Really? Can we see?" "It's not finished though."

Y/n replied as she opened her sketchbook and showed them the picture. "That's really good. Holy shit." Tommy said. "Thanks. I thought you might find it creepy that this strange weird girl drew a picture of this random group of friends." Y/n said. "No, no. It's not really creepy. The drawing is really good though. How long have you been drawing like that?" Johnny asked. "Since I was 3." Y/n answered. "When you were 3? Damn, that is really good." Johnny said. "Do you have any other hobbies?" Bobby asked. "I did Karate with my brother and I used to figure skate. But I quit both after I got a knee injury." Y/n replied. "You quit Karate? Why?" Johnny asked. "Because of my knee. I broke my kneecap during a figure skate competition. It broke my heart when I wasn't able to do karate again. I was so close to becoming a black belt." Y/n explained. "Damn. That must have been hard on you? Being so close to something and then getting it all stripped away from you."

"It was. Especially since my brother continued with Karate." Y/n replied. After what happened to your knee, have you tried to do karate after that when it healed?" Bobby asked. "No. I haven't. But I am scared." Y/n replied, before she looked at her watch. "I am sorry. But I have to go home. Mom made dinner." Y/n said as she got up from where she was sitting. "Will we see you again?" Johnny asked. "I think you will." Y/n replied, before she walked away back towards the apartment. A couple of days went by. It was now the first day of school.

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