"I wanna know what Love is." - Miguel Diaz x Fem!Reader

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"Why can't you love me back?" Y/n yelled at her mother. "Because you are a worthless piece of shit. Just like your fucking father." Mary yelled back. "I hate you. I fucking hate you." Y/n yelled as tears streamed down her face. "Get the hell out of my house. And don't ever come back." Mary yelled. Y/n ran towards her room and packed a quick bag, before grabbing her phone and ran out of her room. She ran out of the house and far away from her mother. She stopped running when she was far away from her mother and started to walk. Since it was already midnight, Y/n held tight onto everything and was constantly looking around when she walked through the dodgy places of Reseda. Not long after, Y/n walked up to the apartment of her father and knocked on the door. "What do you wa- Y/n, what are you doing here?" Johnny, her father, asked. "Uhm. Mom and I, uh, had a fight. And she, uhm, kicked me out. Can I stay here?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, of course." Johnny replied. Y/n walked in the apartment and placed her bag down by the couch, before sitting down. "What happened with your mother?" Johnny asked. "I asked her if I could go and see Liza. She said that I couldn't because I had to be home for Timmy, who had been staying at Remy's for a couple of days. I told her that I couldn't stay home and she started to yell at me that I was a mistake and shit and that I should do what she tells me to." Y/n replied before she felt the tears back in her eyes. "I have been doing everything for her. And she doesn't even acknowledge me. So I asked her why she can't love me back and uh she told me that I am a worthless piece of shit. Just like my father." Y/n said as she looked at him. "You're going to stay here. I don't want you to go back to her, ever again. I'll take care of you and I'll protect you, alright little one?" Johnny said. "Thanks, dad." Y/n replied.

"It's no problem. Go and get some sleep, little one." Johnny said as he looked at her. Y/n got up from the couch and gave the man a hug. "I'm sorry. For all the years you have missed me." Y/n softly said. "It's okay. I understand why your mother kept you from me. But you're here now and we're going to catch up tomorrow." Johnny replied. "I'd like that." Y/n stated as she pulled away from him and smiled. "Good. Get some sleep." Johnny said. Y/n walked to the spare bedroom and changed into her pajamas, before laying down on the bed. Soon it was the next day and Y/n woke up by some soft talking in the next room. Y/n got up from her bed and decided to change into some black leggings and a light blue sweater, before walking out of the bedroom. "Good morning, dad." Y/n said as she looked at her father. "Hey, good morning, little one. Did I wake you up?" Johnny asked as he looked at her. "No, no. I didn't really sleep that great."

Y/n said, before she looked at the woman who was sitting at the dinner table opposite her father. "Uh, I'm Y/n." Y/n said. "Nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm Carmen, I live across the courtyard." She replied, smiling at the girl. "Nice to meet you, Carmen." Y/n said. "I'll talk to you later, Johnny. I have to go and wake up Miguel, so he won't be late for his training." Carmen said as she got up from the chair and walked out of the apartment. "Would you like some breakfast?" Johnny asked. "Uh, yeah." Y/n replied as she sat down where Carmen was sitting and grabbed her phone. "Do you wanna come to the dojo with me? I'm sure you want to continue learning Karate?" Johnny asked as he was making some scrambled eggs. "Uhm, yeah." Y/n replied as she looked up from her phone and smiled at her father. An hour passed and there was a knock on the front door. "Y/n, can you open the door?" Johnny asked from the bedroom.

"Okay." She replied as she got up from the couch and walked to the front door. "Hey Sen- you're not sensei." A boy said as Y/n opened the door. "Am I in the wrong apartment?" The boy asked. "No, dumbass. This is my daughter." Johnny said as he walked out of the bedroom. "Daughter? I didn't know that you had a daughter." The boy replied. "I didn't either until she contacted me 5 years ago. This is Y/n. Y/n, this is Miguel." Johnny said. "Nice to meet you, Miguel." Y/n said as she looked at him. "Likewise, Y/n." Miguel started as he looked at her.

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