*Engaged - Daniel LaRusso x Fem!Reader

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Warning: Contains unprotected sex. !!Don't read if you're a minor!!

"Babe, I am going to pick up my mother from the airport." Y/n heard her boyfriend, Daniel say as he walked into the office in the dealership. "Okay. I am just going to finish this and I'll take Sam home with me." Y/n replied as she looked up at him. "Alright, babe. I love you." Daniel smiled, before he walked out of the office. Y/n finished off the paperwork, before she got up from the chair and walked out of the office. She was nervous to meet Daniel's mother for the first time after they got together. "Sam, are you ready to head home?" Y/n asked the girl. "Yeah." Sam replied as she walked out of the building, followed by Y/n. They got into the car and Y/n started to drive home. "Do you think I should change?" Y/n asked Sam as they walked into the house as they arrived. She had been wearing her black jeans and white crop top all day and wanted to make a good impression on Daniel's mother. "No, but if it makes you feel better you could."

Sam smiled as she looked at the woman. "Alright, if Daniel gets here, just tell him I'm in the bedroom." Y/n said as she walked towards hers and Daniel's bedroom. She walked into the room and walked into her closet, looking at all the clothes. She pulled some dresses out and stood in front of the mirror, deciding on which one to go for. "Go for the navy blue one." She heard Daniel say. "I didn't expect you to be back this quick." Y/n replied as she looked at him. "I had to pick up my mom from LAX, which isn't so far from here." Daniel said as he walked up to her. "You don't have to be nervous to meet my mom. She can be a little much sometimes, but when she meets new people, she's nice. And you only see her now and after we get back from Big Bear." Daniel said as he had placed his hands on her waist and looked at her through the mirror. "I always get nervous when I meet the mother of my handsome boyfriend." Y/n said as she looked at him.

"Oh, so you'll only get nervous to meet my mother then?" Daniel asked, smiling at her. "Sure, Dan." Y/n smiled. "There is nothing to worry about. She'll love you." Daniel said as he placed a kiss on her cheek. Y/n stepped away from Daniel, to change into the dress, but she turned to look at him. "Don't you have to go and talk to your mother?" Y/n asked. "I can't watch you get changed?" Daniel asked. "No. Get out." Y/n smiled. Daniel walked out of the room, while Y/n took off her jeans and shirt as well as her heels and pulled on the dress. Once she had the dress on, she pulled on her heels, before walking out of the closet and out of the room. Y/n walked into the kitchen, where Daniel was sitting with his mother. "Hello. You must be Y/n. I'm Lucille, his mother." The woman said as she stood up and walked to Y/n. "Nice to meet you, Lucille." Y/n replied, smiling at the woman. "You are very beautiful." Lucille said. "Thank you." Y/n replied.

"So are you ready to go and celebrate your anniversary?" Lucille asked. "Yes. I am." Y/n smiled as she looked at Daniel. "Yeah, me too. Ma, thanks for watching the kids." Daniel said as he stood up. "No problem." Lucille smiled. Daniel placed a hand on Y/n's waist, before they walked out into the living room, looking at Sam and Anthony. "Kids, please be nice to Grandma." Daniel said. "Yes, dad. Have fun in Big Bear." Sam said as she looked at them. "Thanks, Sam. We'll see you on Sunday." Daniel said as he gave his kids a kiss, before he and Y/n walked out of the house. They walked towards the car and Daniel walked to the passenger side, to open the door for Y/n. "Thank you, handsome." Y/n said as she got in the car. Daniel got in the car and looked at her. "I love you, babe." Daniel said. "I love you too, handsome." Y/n replied as she looked at him. Daniel leaned closer to her. "The garage is open. You can start driving."

Y/n said as she pushed his face away, while laughing. "Not before you give me a kiss." Daniel said. Y/n rolled her eyes, before she smiled and gave him a kiss. Daniel pulled away from Y/n, before driving towards Big Bear. After 2 hours, they arrived at the hotel they were going to stay at. Daniel parked his car, and got out. "Come babe, let's get inside." Daniel said as Y/n got out of the car. Daniel was holding their bags, before they walked into the hotel. "Can I help you two?" The lady at the front desk asked. "We have a reservation. The name's LaRusso." Daniel said.

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