Love at Second Motion Picture - Chad McQueen x Fem!Reader

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Walking around on the set of the new motion picture of John Advilson, called the Karate kid, was a thrill. Y/n walked towards the makeup room and smiled as she saw her friend in the chair. “Oh, Y/n, I’m so glad that we’re filming together, today.” Elisabeth as Y/n walked into the makeup room. “Yeah, me too. I’m so glad we get to play sisters.” Y/n replied as Cheri, the hairstylist, sat her down in the chair. “Ladies, how are we doing here? Ready to shoot?” John, the director, asked the girls. “Of course, we are.” Elisabeth replied. Y/n was recently cast in the new movie, The Karate Kid. She was going to play Ali’s sister, who always hangs out with her sister’s ex boyfriend and his friends. “I want you, Y/n, to take your time, while getting ready. We’re going to shoot the scene where Daniel and his new friends are playing football first. I’ll ask someone to come and get you when it is your time.” John said to Y/n. “Alright. Good luck, Lizzie.” Y/n said to Elisabeth. 

“Yeah, I’ll see you out there.” Elisabeth replied, smiling to Y/n. The door of the makeup room opened and Y/n could see William and Chad walk in, talking to each other. “Hey, Y/n.” William said to the girl. “Hi, Billy. How are you?” Y/n asked. “I’m fine. Excited to film with you.” William said. “Well, I’m excited to film with you too.” Y/n said as she looked at the boys through the mirror. “Did John tell you about the scene you have to do with Chad later as well?” William asked. “No? What scene?” Y/n asked. “Ask John about it, but I’m already looking forward to it.” Chad replied, winking at her. “We’ll see you later.” William said, before he and Chad walked out. “Do you know what scene they’re talking about?” Y/n asked Cheri. “No, sweetheart.” Cheri answered. An hour later, someone came to pick Y/n up to go to the beach. She walked towards the group and smiled at Elisabeth. "Do you know what scene I have to do with Chad?" Y/n asked. 

"No. Maybe ask John about it." Elisabeth replied. "Uh, John. Can I ask you something?" Y/n asked the director. "Of course." John said as he looked at her. "Chad and William said that I have to do a scene with Chad. But I don't know what that scene is." Y/n said. "It's a scene where your characters share a kiss for the first time. It's right after Dutch drops you off at the house." John replied. "Oh. I have to kiss Chad?" Y/n asked. "Yes. But don't worry we still have to shoot the rest of the scenes. And if you want we can shoot that scene tomorrow or Thursday." John replied. "Okay." Y/n said. "Everyone, go and have lunch. Come back here in 3 hours."  John called out to all of the actors and extras. "Wanna go and get lunch with me, Y/n?" Elisabeth asked. "Yeah sure." Y/n replied as they walked away from the set and went towards a diner, where they saw William and the other boys. "So, do you know what scene you're doing with Chad?" 

Elisabeth asked. "Apparently it's a kissing scene. Where our characters kiss for the first time." Y/n said. "Really? How do you feel about it?" Elisabeth asked as she saw William and Rob look at them. "I don't know. Nervous. I mean I never kissed anyone on screen before. Let alone with Chad." Y/n said. "But you worked with him on something before. It's not like he's a total stranger. And I know that you like him." Elisabeth said, the last part so only Y/n could hear her. "Shut up. I don't like him." Y/n said. "You don't? Last week was a different story." Elisabeth replied. "I don't like him. Or his smile or the way he flexes his muscles when he's working out." "Love, you're blushing when you saying those things." Elisabeth said. Y/n looked down at her hands, before she looked at her friend. "Okay, I might be in love with him. But I'm scared to tell him. What if he doesn't like me the way I do?" Y/n asked. 

"You never know until you tell him. I do have to say. I heard him and William talk yesterday and they were talking about you. Chad was saying things like, 'I'm happy that I'm working with her again' and things like that. I think that he likes you the same way you do about him." Elisabeth said. "I don't know. We'll see." "Hi girls. How are we doing?" William asked as he walked up to their table. "We're doing alright. What about yourself, Billy?" Y/n asked. "I'm good. They boys and I were going to a bar later after we're done filming for the day. Wanna come along?" William asked. 
"Uh, maybe." Elisabeth said. "I'll join." Y/n said. "Alright, cool. We'll meet you at your trailer." William said. "Alright." Y/n said as he walked away. Once the girls finished eating, they walked past the boys, who were looking at them.

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