Can't help falling in love - Young Daniel x Fem!Reader

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"Why do we have to move, mom? I don't want to leave my friends." Y/n said as she looked at her mother. "My sweetheart, too much has happened here. I want a fresh start and we can have that in California." Y/n's mom replied. "Alright, fine. I guess that you're right." Y/n replied. "It's going to be alright, baby. I know that you will make new friends fast." Y/n's mother replied. A day and 16 hours passed. The mother and daughter drove all the way from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Encino, California. "It's so fancy here." Y/n said as she looked around. "Hello? Are you moving in?" Y/n heard a girl ask. "Yeah. We, uh, just got here." Y/n replied. "Ali, nice to meet you." The girl said, smiling at Y/n. "Y/n, nice to meet you, Ali." Y/n spoke. "Where did you live before you came here?" Ali asked. "Uhm, Philadelphia." Y/n replied. "Wow, that must have been a long journey." "A day and 16 hours." Y/n replied. "I was going to meet some friends at the beach." Ali started.

"Do you want to come as well?" Ali asked. "Is that okay, mom?" Y/n asked. "Of course, my sweetheart. Go and grab a bathing suit from your suitcase." Y/n's mom smiled. Y/n ran in the house and grabbed a bathing suit, changed into it real quick and pulled her shorts and shirt back on. Y/n walked back out of the house after grabbing a bag and a towel. "Sorry, I changed into my bathing suit." Y/n said to Ali as they started to walk towards the beach. "Don't worry about it." Ali smiled. "You know, we're neighbors." She added. "Oh, that's really good. I already know someone." Y/n said, smiling at the girl. They walked up to the beach and Ali introtuced Y/n to her friends. "Are you going to the West Valley High School?" Susan asked. "I think so. Mom didn't really say anything about that yet." "I'm sure that you'll come to our school." Barbara said. Y/n saw a ball rolling her way and got up. She grabbed the ball, walked up to the boy, as he made his way to her.

"Here." Y/n smiled. "Thanks. Are you new?" The boy asked. "Yeah. My mom and I just moved here. Uhm, Y/n." Y/n said. "Daniel. Nice to meet you." The boy replied. "Where did you move from?" Daniel asked. "Philadelphia. We arrived this morning." Y/n replied. "Did you drive?" Daniel asked. "Yeah." Y/n replied. "I can show you around if you want. I'm free tomorrow." Daniel suggested. "Oh yeah. That would be nice." Y/n replied. "Alright. I'll come and pick you up tomorrow after school?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, cool." Y/n said, smiling at him. "Okay, cool. I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n." Daniel said. "See you tomorrow, Daniel." Y/n replied, before she walked back towards Ali. "What did Daniel ask you?" Ali asked as Y/n sat back down beside her. "He wants to show me around tomorrow. But, uh, is he nice?" Y/n asked. "Daniel? He's really nice." Ali replied. "Okay, good." Y/n smiled. The week passed.

Y/n's mom had written her in the West Valley High School. Ali was there to help Y/n out to get used to the new school and with her homework. And things were also going well with Daniel. He showed Y/n around the day after they met. "Y/n, wait up." Y/n heard Daniel call after her as she was walking out of the school building. Daniel ran up to her and he smiled. "Do you want to go to the Golf 'n Stuff with me?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, sure." Y/n replied. "Alright, cool. I'll come and pick you up. Around 7." Daniel said, before he walked away. Y/n made her way towards her house and placed her bag by the front door, before walking up to her room. Y/n walked up to her closet and picked out a white shirt and her checkered dress, before getting changed. She walked into the bathroom to do her hair and she applied some makeup as well. When she was finished, she walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

"Why are you dressed up nicely?" Y/n's mom asked. "Because I am going to hang out with Daniel." Y/n replied. "Daniel? That boy that showed you around last week?" Y/n's mom asked. "Yes, that's him." Y/n replied. "Is he going to pick you up?" Y/n's mom asked. "Yeah, he is." Y/n answered. "That's good. I guess I'll have to go to work after he picks you up, so I can meet him." Y/n's mom said, smiling at her daughter. 7 Pm rolled around. The doorbell rang and Y/n walked towards the front door to open it. "Hey." Daniel said as Y/n looked at him. "Hi." Y/n said.

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