Chapter 49: Hybrid

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Chapter 49: Hybrid


I made new friends! Did you hear me? I Ella Hernandez made 2 new friends. Can you believe it?

They are both in my American government class.


I'm so hungry. I'm gonna die.

I slump on my armchair. Why did I not eat that third sandwich on my pack lunch? Why?!

"Hey" someone tap my shoulder.

I look at her. Her brown eyes are little bit slanted like she is a mixed of asian and western descent. She has those light skin with scattered freckled on her cheeks. Her button nose is so cute.

"I am Chrisna but you can call me Chris. Do you want some fries?"

She's offering me food!

"No girl she looks like she needs more than fries. I have chicken nuggets. Here." The other girl beside Chris offered. She has those slim and elongated face with prominent cheekbones,narrow nose. pouty lips and hazel eyes.

"By the way I am Farisa but you can call me Sang. And yes I am middle eastern."

Middle eastern so she's from Kansas?

"Come on take at least two. We don't want you to pass out in the middle of the class." Sang said.

"Thank you new friends!" I exclaimed. They both look at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

End of flashback

I am lying on the couch on Gideon's study telling him how I made new friends while he graciously type another paper that I need to pass tomorrow.

"Are you sure love that you did not force them to be your friend? They agreed willingly?" He ask for the Nth time.

"Yes Gideon. They agreed willingly and voluntarily." I assure him.

Did they?

Gideon looked liked he doesn't believe me at all.

"In fact I invited them here in our house tomorrow to do our project and they agreed." I proudly said.

"Voluntarily?" Gideon ask skeptically.

"Of course! Do you think I will kidnap them?!" I exclaimed.

Gideon glance at me saying "Knowing you love? It's not impossible."

"Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence Gideon." I sarcastically replied.

"You're welcome love." He replied while still typing my paper.

I stand up to go out of his study. Arguing with Gideon made me hungry. I am craving some blueberry cheesecake.

"By the way the spacing should be 1.5 Gideon!" I shouted. As I close the door I hear him grumbled "No fucking way! it is not written here."

I may or may not forgot to tell him about that one requirements...hihihi🤭

I skip towards the stairs. I forgo using the elevator so I can at least stretch my legs but If I am with Gideon I have no choice but to use it because he doesn't want me to get tired.

Thinking made me tired so should I just stop using my brain to reserve energy?

You check out of reality a long time ago Ella.


I walk towards the kitchen and saw G cooking something in a big pot.
The other staff are cleaning and organizing the kitchen.

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