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"I cannot believe you two!"

"You would have done the same thing!"

"I certainly would not have Fred Weasley! Now you two have no N.E.W.Ts, her no O.W.L's, what on earth are you going to do with your life!"

"We'll be fine, we have the shop and-"

"Oh that bloody shop again! Just wait until your father hears about this! You could've died, you could've been caught or even worse seen by muggles!"

"Um hello! They were planning to kidnap her!"

"So that means you have to miss the most important exams of your life does it George?!"

"Oh sorry Jess, we've seen the error of our ways now. Mums right, we should've just let Malfoy take you to Voldemort so you could die a horrific death - we're gonna have to drag you back now because you comes first!"

Jessica, Fred and George were all sat along one side of the dining table at Grimmauld Place - with Mrs Weasley pacing furiously opposite them as they stood their ground. Sirius and Remus sat behind her, blank-faced and cross-armed. As soon as Jessica and Fred had appeared out of the fireplace twenty minutes before, they had only a few seconds before they were seen and dragged in for questioning alongside George - who had appeared to be glad to pass on his share of the heat. Jessica and the Weasley twins were finally able to came clean about what had been happening at Hogwarts...

...and it had not gone down well.

"Don't be so stupid Fred!" Mrs Weasley quipped, "I'm just so angry that you never think these things through! If school was that bad why didn't any of you tell us!"

"I've been telling you this, they shut off all communication!" said George frustratedly, "didn't exactly want us writing home to the family that they had a lottery on which of us they should crucio next did they."

"I beg your pardon," said Mr Weasley as he entered the room in a hurry. It was good timing because at that moment Mrs Weasley looked as though someone had stabbed her in the stomach. All her fight had been erased by this statement and Remus lept of his chair so he could catch her from stumbling back. "They did what?" she snapped angrily.

"Frog frace had her squad draw names and punish us all one by one," Fred answered as Mr Weasley put his briefcase down and comforted his overwhelmed wife, "I would've gotten it next if, well, if Jess hadn't put herself forward instead."

Mrs Weasley, who was now sitting on the chair that Remus gave her, asked Jessica with amazed eyes, "you did that?"

Jessica avoided eye contact. Hearing it all again filled her with such guilt. She never should have been a part of Umbridge's squad of made her stomach churn thinking about it.

"It was pretty cool actually," George added eagerly with a smile to lighten the mood, "she stood up to Umbridge and everything, she's been secretly helping people for months."

The last time she was in this room, Jessica had been met hugely with disgust. Now, it was an unusual feeling of admiration. It weirdly made her feel a bit uncomfortable and she folded her arms to go into herself.

"Yeah it was pretty cool until that fucker Malfoy sent the Cruciatus curse her way," said Fred callously through gritted teeth, "oh yeah, then there was the fun of him revealing that the only reason he was friends with her in the first place was because he wanted to basically sell her to Voldemort."

The adults across from them could not believe what they were hearing. Mr. Weasley's jaw had taken up permanent residency on the ground.

"We have to get them out of there," Mrs Weasley stated to the adults in the room, "we can't just wait for her to torture them all on a revolving wheel!"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now