Chapter 42

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A/n: Really important disclaimer ya'll, this chapter contains smut and explicit scene, if you're sensitive to that content please stop reading when you see this  sign     <•S•>

*3rd POV*

Nurse: Have a good night~

~The nurse waved to Jungkook and Jin as they were walking out of the hospital with gloomy expressions~

~When they got in the car, Jin noticed how something irritated Jungkook the whole time and he only had a cold face on~

~Jin drove away and silence filled the air~

~Jin's hands were a little shaky on the wheel and Jungkook took a glimpse~

Jungkook: What's wrong?

Jin: What?

Jungkook: Why are your hands shaking?

Jin: It's nothing. 

Jungkook: Mk

~Jungkook looked outside the window again and exhaled~

Jin: How about you? You look uneasy

Jungkook: Nothing really

~It was quiet for 2 seconds until Jin's expression changed~

Jin: Is it because of Y/n?-

Jungkook: No

~Jungkook replied so quickly as he clenched his fist~

Jin: But Y/n-

Jungkook: Stop talking about her

Jin: Why?

Jungkook: Because I don't give a fuck about her


Jin: I see

~Jin kept quiet and kept his focus back on the road while tightening his grip on the wheel~

*Y/n's POV*

~I slowly opened my eyes and realized GD was sleeping on the chair beside the bed with a book resting on his lap~

~It was such a cute sight~

~I slowly tried to sit up and stretched my arms~

"Thank god I don't have a headache"

~I slowly got on my feet and grabbed an extra blanket, putting it over Ji-Yong~

~I went around the room and saw Ji-Yong's jacket lying around as I picked it up and wore it then opened the door and I slowly walked out~

~I felt a little chilly cuz of the difference of the temperature inside the room and outside as I hold onto the jacket~

~I slowly descended down the stairs and squinted my eyes to see through the darkness~

Y/n: It's night, Everyone must be asleep

~I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and decided to go out for a walk~

~Just as I opened the door, My eyes widened when I saw many men standing and walking around the mansion and turned their eyes on me~

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