What'd You Expect?

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Nathan Thorn
July 25, 1944
Near Marigny, France

Some Sherman tanks roll over the hedgerow.

Zussman: Hey! It's Perez!

Turner: Hey, Perez! You okay?

Perez: They got my buddy, Mills, in the ambush. But we hit them back hard. The holdouts are dug in with Paks up ahead. We gotta clean 'em out.

Turner: All right, Pierson, take a fire time through the orchard and find a overwatch position. After you soften up the Paks, I'll lead the main assault with Perez.

Perez: Yessir!

Pierson: Daniels, Zussman, Thorn, you're with me. Come on!

We move out and start our way to the vantage point.

Aiello: Perez said Pak-38's? What the hells that?

Stiles: German artillery. Tank killers. Didn't you read the briefing?

Aiello: What are we supposed to do against tank killers?

Stiles: I was wondering that myself.

We make it past one of our downed aircraft and make it to a tree where civilians are hanging by a noose.

Stiles: Those are civilians... This is a war crime.

Nathan: No shit, Stiles. We're fightin' Nazis. What'd you expect?

We get to a vantage point and see Perez heading straight into enemy fire.

Pierson: Everyone open fire!

Zussman: I got eyes on two Paks! Nathan, take out those crews!

I pick up an M1903 sniper rifle, admiring it for a moment before zeroing it in on the Pak crews. I kill scores of men. It's almost like hunting back home, except this game shoots back.

Zussman: Both Pak-38 crews are down! Our tanks ar moving up!

Pierson: Let's mop up the rest of the Krauts in the trenches!

I sling the sniper rifle over my shoulder. I want to keep it.

We take out the rest of the Krauts in the trenches.

Perez: Another enemy position just sat the hedge! Fall in behind the tanks!

We stack up behind the tanks as thy push past the hedges. Immediately, we're met with hails of bullets.

Pierson: They're retreating!

Perez: Look at 'em run!

Nathan: That's right, Fritz! We're comin' for you!

Pierson: Keep pushing forward.

Soldier: Incoming!

Explosions go off around us as one of our tanks gets obliterated.

Soldier: Allied tank is down!

Soldier: Talkin' fire from Pak-38's! Need eyes on them!

Perez: We can advance until those Pak-38's are down!

I get to higher ground in a barn. I pull out the sniper rifle I took from earlier and take out ammo caches behind the Pak crews. After a minute, all three Paks are down.

All of the Kraus are taken out.

Aiello: Hey, it's Turner!

I look up ahead to see him talking with a jeep driver.

Nathan: Lieutenant.

Turner: Hold on. CO approaching!

A jeep pulls up and it's Colonel Davis. What the hell is he doing here?

Davis: Alright, listen up. Charlie Company's under assault near the church. They need ammo and fire support. Sends squad immediately.

Turner: Sir, we're already stretched pretty far.

Davis: Then stretch thinner!

He orders his driver to leave without even hearing an answer from any of us.

Nathan: Fucker..

Pierson: We can take the Jeeps, but we're gonna need armor support.

Turner: Alright, that's the plan. Perez! Pierson will follow you with the squad.

Perez: Can't do it. Just got orders from Collins. We're heading west with the 11th.

Turner: God damnit..

Pierson: Those boys are running out of time.

Turner: You're on your own. Take the Jeeps and head out. Move!

Fucking Christ. Now we have to go give Charlie Company support without having any ourselves.

Pierson: All right, snap to it. Charlie's up shit creek and we're the paddle. Let's go! Let's go!

I climb into the driver's seat of a Jeep. Daniels and Zussman climb on, with Daniels taking the gun. We drive off down the road, fast.

Nathan: Which way to Marigny?

Zussman: Follow this road, it's the next village over.

I press the gas harder and we speed up.

Zussman: Big turn up ahead! Go easy!

I don't listen as I floor it around the corner, probably causing him and Daniels to piss themselves.

Retreating Krauts start firing on us.

Nathan: Serpentine!

I shout, running over a Kraut, killing him.

Daniels: Will you hold the Jeep steady!?

Nathan: Whoops!

I say, flooring it in the direction of Charlie Company. We drive into the town square, taking down dozens of Krauts, successfully driving them back. I stop the Jeep and we hop out.

Squad Leader: We gotta stop meeting like this.

Pierson: Don't you be goin' soft on me, Murphy.

Squad Leader: Well, thanks for showin' up when you did.

Pierson: Thank Colonel Davis. It was his orders... Ok. It's too late to press on. Looks like you boys got a reprieve.

He says sarcastically.

Stiles: 'Scuse me, sergeant?

Pierson: Yeah?

Stiles: Isn't half the Kraut army on the other side of those buildings? Shouldn't we find a better place to set up a perimeter?

Pierson: Sure, Private. Why don't you book us a room at the Ritz?

Zussman: Sir.

Pierson slowly turns to Zuss.

Zussman: He's scared is all.

Pierson: Why don't you worry about your own problems? Like how that sides gonna hold up tomorrow.

Zussman: I'm right as rain, sergeant

Pierson scoffs as he approaches me only a few steps away.

Pierson: Thorn, why don't you watch him. Only thing now dangerous than the enemy us pride.

Nathan: So I've heard.

I say in a low growl. Pierson narrows his eyes at me but turns away.

Pierson: Rest up, boys! We take Marigny at first light.


Can't believe we're fightin' beside Zussman again. He's holding up alright. He must be considering we just blasted threw miles of hedgerows. You would think Pierson would go a little easier on 'em.

You'd be wrong.

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