
392 5 1

Corporal Nathan Thorn
December 27, 1944
Ardennes Forest, Belgium

Leading the Kraut POWs is no fun. I would so rather just be wrapped up in a million blankets next to a fire that to move these assholes. Kind of like herding cattle. You remember doing that, Arthur?

Zussman, Daniels and I are in the back of the line, making sure there are no stranglers. A Kraut looks at me.

German soldier: Wasser, bitte.
(Water, please.)

He asks me.

Daniels: What's he want?

German: Wasser, bitte.

Nathan: Hier.

I hand the Kraut my water canteen and Pierson storms over to us, knocking the canteen from my hand.

Pierson: Goddamn it, what are you doin' Thorn?

Nathan: Lay off, Sergeant.

I go to help up the Kraut but Pierson shoves me onto the ground.

Pierson: What's that? Huh? How's that? How's that work for ya?

Nathan: So much better, sir.

I spit sarcastically.

Pierson: Son of a-

Zussman: Sergeant!

Pierson: Hey, you stay out of this.

The Kraut makes a move and grabs the canteen, hitting Pierson upside the head and shoving him into Daniels and Zussman. The Kraut starts running

Nathan: Komm hierher zurück du Hurensohn!
(Come back here you son of a bitch!)

I get up and start chasing him.

Nathan: Halt!

I get close and nail him in the back of the head with the butt of my rifle, sending him tumbling to the ground. I quickly move to turn him around but he punches me square in the mouth. I spit and quickly kick him in the side hard. I drop my rifle, pulling Turners revolver, leveling it on his forehead.

German soldier: Nicht schießen! Nicht schießen!
(Don't shoot! Don't shoot!)

Zussman: He's not worth it. Nathan!

Zussman and Daniels come up behind me. I spit a little blood onto the Kraut

Nathan: You dumb Kraut. Why'd you run? Huh? Warum bist du gerannt? Must be hidin' somethin'
(Why did you run?)

I start searching his pockets untill I find a piece of paper.

Nathan: Stupid son of a bitch was holdin' out on us.

Pierson comes and kicks the Kraut hard in the side.

Pierson: Gimme that.

He snatches the document from my hand an tries reading it but quickly hands it back to me.

Pierson: The fuck's this say?

I start reading it while I hold the Kraut with my boot.

Nathan: These are orders to plant explosives on the bridge in Remagen. Ordnance is gonna be loaded onto trucks five miles north of here. Sir, this is the last bridge standing across the Rhine.

Pierson's eyes grow darker as he looks at the Kraut.

Pierson: Well ain't somethin', Fritz.

Corporal Nathan Thorn
December 27, 1944
Ardennes Forest, Belgium

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