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Nathan Thorn
November 14, 1944
Hürtgen, Germany

Arthur: Get up, little brother.

I shake my head, trying to clear my vision. My whole body hurts and I can barely move. I look over to see someone approaching. The cowboy hat and boots along with the rifle show it's him.

Arthur: I know you better than anyone, so I know you still got some kick left in ya. You can't give up. Not now, not ever.

He crouches in front of me.

Nathan: Arthur..?

Arthur: Krauts could be here any second. So get up off your ass and show me what you're made of.

I'm breathing hard as tears threaten to fall.

Nathan: Brother... I'm afraid..I'm afraid... I won't make it.

Arthur: You got to, little brother. Think about Vivian. Your promise to her. She needs you. Now get up.

I breathe in and out, trying to even my breathing.

Nathan: I will.

Arthur: Of course you will, 'cause you're a stubborn little stallion. You don't break.

He stands up.

Arthur: I got faith in you, little brother.

Nathan: Arthur..... Arthur!

Arthur: Get back to her, little brother.

He disappears into the fog. He's gone. I look around me and I tip the body right side up.

Nathan: Briggs...oh, Christ..

I look around me and I grab a pistol up off the ground. I only have a few magazines for it. That and my knife are the only weapons I have to defend myself with. My sniper rifle is gone along with my Thompson. God knows where they went.

I get up and start to move forward. The silence surrounding me is deafening but I keep moving.

Nathan: I gotta find the assembly point.

I see a piolet but he's hanging by his parachute, dead.

Nathan: Christ...

I grab the first aid kit that's on the ground near by. I keep moving forward and I climb up over a fallen tree. I hear a dog barking and I see a German shepard charging at me.

Nathan: Oh shit!

I fire one shot and it nails the dog in the head, killing it.

Nathan: Fuck, there's Krauts near me.

I whispers and I swear patrol coming through, looking for any survivors. I slowly crawl on my stomach around them and they don't spot me. I make it past them and move forward.

Soldier: We surrender! Wait! Stop, please!

The soldier is cut off by a Kraut with a flamethrower. I watch in horror as the men die slowly. I have to keep moving. I climb down the small slope and sneak up behind a Kraut, leaping forward and cutting his throat silently. I grab his Toggle Action shotgun, with incendiary rounds.

I move along the area, only managing to kill one Kraut without drawing attention. I move to what seems to be an old bunker. I see two Krauts and I hold the one in a choke hold, sapping his neck. The other one turns to me but before he can do anything, Turner comes and kills the Kraut silently.

Nathan: Turner!

We move into the bunker.

Turner: Thought you didn't make it, Nathan.

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