Brotherhood Of Heroes

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Nathan Thorn
April 4, 1945

We were so proud that our platoon held the first bridgehead on the Rhine. Now our convoy's rolling into the heart of Germany. They say the war is as good as won.

Not to me. Not while Zuss is still out there.

After leaving the bridge on our mission east, we searched camps along the way. I thought I knew what cruelty was.

I didn't know anything.

But one things for certain. What I saw will stay with me for the rest of my days on this earth.

Survivors said that the other POW's, including Zussman, had been taken to a smaller camp three hours east. All I could do is hope he somehow made it.

April 4, 1945
Berga, Germany

Pierson: Last one.

We climb out of the Jeeps at the front entrance of the camp. Some of the buildings are burning and destroyed.

Pierson: This looks more like a labor camp.

We're all silent as we make our way through the camp. Ash litters the ground along with other debris.

Stiles: They wanted to hide whatever happened here.

I follow him to what looks like a baracks. He opens the door and we're met with bunks, stacked on top of each other. Some bodies still lay on their beds, if you could even call 'em that. Tally marks are eteched onto the wooden frames, marking the days of suffering and pain.

Stiles: These were our guys.

Nathan: Take out your camera. The world's gotta know.

They had them living worse than animals. From what I can make of it, they were beaten, tortured, starved and worked to the bone.

We exit the barracks, my heart feels heavy as we move further into the camp.

Daniels: Over here.

We see two prisoners tied up and shot on poles.

Aiello: Must've made an example out of them.

The Nazis murdered our boys in cold blood. An no fire in hell can burn away the stain they left behind.

We move further to find hangman's nooses tied onto tall wooden frames.

They'd slaughtered the weakest. Anyone that was slowing then down, they put down as if they were putting down a steer.

Pierson: Nathan, over here.

I turn and approach Pierson who's crouching down, looking at the ground.

Pierson: Nathan, you got to see this. The tracks lead to the fields. That's where they must've marched them.

Nathan: Then that's where we're goin'.

Pierson: I wouldn't get your hopes up, Corporal.

We start following the tracks in a fast pace.

Nathan: I made a promise to Zussman.

Pierson: We'll find him. I just can't guarantee we'll find him alive.


Nathan: Sergeant, I'll take point!

I run through the woods, my lungs feel like they're on fire but I keep moving. I gotta find Zussman.

Nathan: Zussman!

My mind I spinning. Memories of running through the woods to get to Arthur spin in my head. I feel like everything's come full circle. All the things I've done. All I wish I done.

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