
408 6 0

Corporal Nathan Thorn
December 27, 1944
German Airbase, Ardennes Forest, Belgium

Everything is dark. I can't see but I hear muffled voices. Fuck, they sound like Krauts. Where's Zussman?

My eyes flutter open to see Zussman coughing on the ground, but also German soldiers loading men onto a truck. My eyes widen at that and panic sets in. No, I'm not gonna get captured. No, no, no I need to get back to her.

Zussman: Nathan! This is bad. Jewish POW's don't get off easy.

Nathan: Stay calm, it'll be alright.

I say, not sure if I'm trying to convince him, myself, or us both? The Krauts point their guns at us and grab both of us, shoving us toward the truck. They load Zussman on first and they're about to put me on when both Krauts get shot.

The truck starts peeling off, and Zussman screams for me.

Zussman: Nathan!

Nathan: Zussman, no!

The truck drives off and I see something on the ground. I stumble towards it an it's Turner's pistol. I quickly put it back in my shoulder holster but then my eye catches another object. I quickly snatch it to see it's Zussman's pendent. Ol' Saint Michael.

I quickly turn around to see Howard.

Howard: Are you okay?

Nathan: They captured Zussman!

I say breathlessly, pushing past him. Piersn arrives in the Jeep and quickly gets out. I run to the Jeep but he grabs me.

Pierson: No, no, no you're not going anywhere!

Nathan: Zussman was captured!

Pierson: Mission comes first!

Nathan: Fuck the mission and Fuck YOU!

I scream, sending a right hook to his jaw, sending him to the ground. I climb into the Jeep and take off after Zussman. I see the truck up ahead and I floor it.

Several Kraut infantry try blocking my path.

Nathan: Get the fuck outta my way!

I shout, running them over and other barriers. The Krauts in the truck start firing at me.

Nathan: Fuck!

Other Jeeps chase after me and I ram them with the Jeep, sending the crashing of the road. We're long past the airbase.

Nathan: Zussman! Hang on!

Before I could do anything, a Kraut driving another jeep rams right into my side, sending me and his Jeep flying. I watch his Jeep get thrown through the air, hitting the truck and stopping it. I hit the ground hard and keep tumbling, the snow doing absolutely nothing to help soften the landing. I feel Ike my ribs are broken and my vision is blurred.

I see a Kraut try to crawl to a revolver. Turner's revolver. I weakly crawl to it, trying to get to the gun first. I reach the gun but the Kraut grabs me and starts choking me. I grab his chin, trying to gain any kind of grip at all as I try to move the revolver up. I fire it, the bullet goes right through the Krauts head, killing him.

I get up, and stumble towards the truck. I fire at it, missing almost every shot due to me being of balance.

Nathan: Zussman!

I shout in desperation. A Kraut gets out of the truck and fires one shot. One shot and I fall on my knees in defeat and exhaustion. The bullet just grazed my side but I can feel it burn. I watch as they drive away with Zussman.

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