Letters #1

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Acchen, Germany.                                    10/19/44

Dear Vivian,

    We're in Acchen. Have been for a while now. Yesterday, we took the Hotel which was a Nazi stronghold. We cleared it of Krauts but found civilians in the basement.

Pierson wanted to follow orders and just secure the hotel. Turner wanted to get the civilians out of there. And since you know how we always listen to Turner rather than Pierson, we did just that.

They found out I can speak German. That was a lot of explaining to do. I was the one who led the civilians out of the basement and to the West side of the hotel where there was a truck that we could get them on.

Erica, one of the civilians, lost her sister and thought she was still in the basement. I went back for her but the Krauts were already inside. I managed to get to the basement but they saw me enter, they knew I was there.

I found the little girl, Anna, clutching her stuffed bear, Kasper. Or Jasper I don't exactly remember. I'm so tired. Anyways, I carried the little girl all the way back, sneaking past German infantry. She was so strong and brave, Viv. You should've seen her.

We made it out of the hotel and back to my squad. The look on hers and her sisters face will be something I'll never forget. The reunion of family. It was a bright spot in a dark moment. The light in the storm. It was amazing.

We got them into the truck and cleared out the rest of the Krauts. We thought they were safe. I...I thought they were safe.

I was wrong.

Two Krauts were still alive and they shot up the truck. I killed them but it was too late. Erica was dead on the floor of the truck. God, her screams, Viv. Anna's wails of pain and sorrow still ring in my ears. Pierson ordered the truck away and I don't know what happened to them. I might not ever find out.

God, Vivian. I'm hurting bad. This pain and grief is eating me up. It's like quicksand. I'm stuck and I don't have anyone to pull me out.

I'm sorry this had to be a sorrowful letter, there's just nothing else to write. Yesterday was a terrible day.

I'll come back to you, Viv.

Yours always,

Nate Thorn

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