62. Unrecognizable

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    Hermione informed Nick that George had gone to look for Lottie just based off of places he figured Cosette would have taken her.

When George finally showed up, the entire room was sitting on the edge of their seats. Everyone could tell he was stressed and anxious, but when he shook his head, they could tell that he still had no idea where Lottie was.

George looked towards Nick. He had called him as soon as he left the gravesite and begged him to go to Cosette. He didn't want her to be left alone for too long.

"She's asleep," Nick told him before George could even ask. "Slumber inducing charm. She'll be out for a bit hopefully."

"Smart," George nodded, pulling out the chair at the end of the table to sit down in. He rubbed his hand over his lips as he leaned back, trying to process everything for himself.

"Are you just going to sit there or are you going to say something?" Ginny asked, not having any information either.

George knew that everyone sitting at the table cared and worried about Cosette, but none of them had any idea what was going on.

So George opened his mouth and started from the beginning. He told them about the growing feud between Cosette and Lottie. The ring that she stole and the one that she hexed. He told them that while Cosette was at her dad's house, Lottie was giving him amortentia and Cosette was the only one to figure it out.

He told them that Cosette has been making comments for a while about how much she hated Lottie and wanted her gone, but he never expected her to act on those thoughts.

When George laid it all out on the table, he could see the realization start to hit all of them individually. Cosette had spent the last three years not talking to anyone she cared about. She isolated herself away from her loved ones and when she came back, she was immediately thrown into a world wind of stress and emotions that she didn't know how to control.

He kept their relationship to himself. Now wasn't the right time to bring it up, but even without the addition of that explanation, it still made sense as to why Cosette's was struggling.

Today was the first time she had ever been to Fred's grave since his funeral. The first time she allowed herself to really grieve instead of letting herself go numb.

It was a wonder how she never lashed out before today, but maybe there just wasn't an outlet available for her to do.

But with Lottie constantly adding fuel to her fire, Cosette finally had enough. She let it rain down on her.

Cosette never thought things through and she never learned how to cope with the trauma and the pain of losing Fred, which essentially was that foundation to the majority of her issues.

George did his best to explain that to his friends and family. He wanted them to understand what was going through Cosette's mind and although he didn't have that much of a grip on her either, he still tried to put together where all of this anger was coming from.

Hermione was the only with a perplexed expression painted on her face. George noticed it instantly. She was seeing something that he had missed.

"'Mione, what are you thinking?" George asked her and all heads turned, awaiting her response.

"She couldn't save Fred," Hermione pointed out, keeping her stare locked on George. "She never had the opportunity to protect him, so what if, subconsciously, this is her trying to make up for it now? I mean, she knew you were in danger with Lottie and she wasted no time in reacting and playing the hero. She doesn't want to lose anyone else."

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