78. Blind Faith

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Cosette was angry with herself for not trusting her gut instinct. She wished she had done more to convince George that this was not the work of his sister but that of his psychotic ex-girlfriend who was now standing a few feet away from her.

She didn't even know what to say. Hundreds of questions flooded her mind but Cosette knew she was not in a position to do anything. Without her wand she couldn't defend herself. Even though she was trained for physical combat, if Lottie was using magic then she'd instantly lose.

Peering around Lottie, Cosette watched as the dust settled and she could see the damage that had been done. The top of the tunnel had collapsed, blocking the door to the locker room completely. Cosette had no idea what the state of the locker room looked like at this point, but she just hoped Nick was okay.

Lottie snapping her fingers, caused Cosette to flinch and stare back at her.

"Eyes over here, O'Connor," Lottie demanded. "Don't worry about your brother, I didn't hurt him, he's just knocked out. I wouldn't ruin a face like his, he's too pretty."

"I don't believe you," Cosette's voice was shaking. "How do I know you didn't do anything to him?"

"Because my issue isn't with Nick," she smiled, "It's with you."

As Lottie spoke, her American accent shifted into one more recognizable British one and Cosette honestly couldn't keep up. First she was Nick now she's Lottie, but she didn't sound like Lottie.

So, without really thinking about what sort of answer she'd get, Cosette asked her, "What the fuck is going on?"

And Lottie actually laughed. She found the question humorous and was enjoying the fact that Cosette was completely helpless in this situation.

"I understand you're probably really confused," Lottie spoke to her as though she was a child and it only infuriated Cosette more. "I think introducing myself might help."

"Introduce?" Cosette repeated the word quietly to herself, unsure if she had heard correctly or if Lottie had actually lost her mind. She already knew who Lottie was and she knew the type of person she was too. No further introduction was needed.

Cosette watched for the second time as Lottie changed into a completely different person. Her blonde hair kept the length but curled into dark ringlets. Her usually tanned skin paled and her face was unrecognizable. Dark, widened eyes with heavy bags under them, a sinister smile, and a completely different face shape to go along with them.

Unrecognizable, but not unfamiliar.

The hair itself should have been a dead giveaway. There was only one person Cosette had ever seen with hair that wild and untamed. Strands fell into Lottie's face but she used the tip of her wand to brush them away.

"We haven't formally met," she took a step forwards and Cosette instantly moved backwards to keep the distance. "I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Callidora Lestrange."

Lestrange. That was a name she hadn't heard in a long time.

"I don't understand," Cosette whispered, frantically looking towards the tunnel again. If Nick was going to get out of the locker room, now would be the perfect time. "How are you-"

"It runs in the family, apparently," she said.

"What?" Cosette scoffed. "Insanity?"

"Metamorphic abilities," Lottie snapped. "I believe you knew my cousin, Nymphadora. She could do the same thing, change her appearance at will. Shame to hear about her death, but she wasn't really part of the family anyway."

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