63. Order and Chaos

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Cosette heard the faint knock on the other side of the door, but she made no effort to get up or even acknowledge that she was awake. With an arm tucked under her pillow, she faced the window and waited, knowing that George was going to open the door anyway, despite her not making a sound.

When it creaked open only a few seconds later, she heard George sigh quietly to himself before stepping fully into the room and shutting the door behind him. Even though this was his bedroom, he stood with his back against the door, giving Cosette the space she needed.

"It's too early to go to sleep," George's voice filled the silence that seemed to be permanent in this room since she took up residence only a few days ago.

"I'm not sleeping," Cosette told him, her voice still hoarse from spending the better part of this day crying. There was still a bit of a stain on the pillow from where her tears had fallen.

"I know therapy is difficult," George started, hoping that Cosette would turn and face him, but she was more than content staring at the blinds covering the window, "But I'm proud of you for going."

"You say that like I had a fucking choice," Cosette mumbled. She didn't mean to swear at him, it just slipped out. She had only been back at his flat for a few hours after returning from her first therapy session and her emotions were still everywhere and chaotic.

She wasn't mad about him and Nick essentially forcing her to talk to someone, but she certainly wasn't prepared for it either. Nick had been hinting at it for a while, but after her little blow up on Lottie, it made sense as to why avoiding therapy was no longer an option for her.

She was mad, however, that they decided to confiscate her wand.

Apparently, George and Nick had become best friends while Cosette was unconscious. The two of them decided together what would be best for her.

"When the hell did you two become so close?" She had asked Nick the other day, to which in very Nick-like fashion, he responded, "When we spent the better part of this morning convinced you were going to Azkaban."

So no wand. A therapist. And constant supervision.

Hence why she was curled up in George's bed with the covers pulled up to her chin.

Ron was going to spend the next little while at Hermione's. He said it was to give Cosette a bit of space while she 'got her shit together' -his words, not hers- but Cosette couldn't help but think that Ron was frightened of her.

Cosette was more than happy to spend time with George, until she realized that he was basically babysitting her. Every thirty minutes he'd ask her if she needed anything or if she was comfortable. He'd have to remind her when it was time to eat. He watched over her like a hawk.

He barely touched her. He hadn't kissed her. Something was off.

He also refused to sleep in the same bed as her. He had taken up residence on the couch for the last few days. Cosette wasn't sure if it was because he figured she would be able to sleep better alone or maybe he was scared of her too.

She didn't ask. She didn't want to know the answer.

There was something she was eager to know though. After a few days, Cosette couldn't keep the question in any more. She was tired of being left in the dark and she had to know.

Sitting up suddenly, she rubbed her eyes and looked at George who still stood with his back against the door. He made no move towards her when she sat up, he just waited for her to speak.

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