An Exhausted Day

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Walking down the road, I inhaled the fresh air as it went into my nose nonchalantly. That smile of mine never left my face as i saw so many people around me. Some of them were laughing and walking with their friends, some of them were couples, smiling and pinching each other cheeks and of course some old couples which melted my heart a lot.

My eyes wandered at the road as they finally landed on the bright sky, which would turn dark only for few minutes later. It was late already.

My footsteps didn't halt, but they became faster and faster every seconds as i already realised how late i was for my work!

"Ugh i can't be late! Boss will kill me for sure!" I whispered to myself, probably thinking on what excuses should i tell my boss.

I was late because my shower was not running this evening. I was so depressed as hell and even crying for a while and i didn't even know why i did that.

I got scolded by my landlady a lot since i always payed the rent late. Well, was that my fault? I got my salary late and then every single day i have to get my both precious ears ready to hear her murmurs in front of my house.

I shook off my thoughts as i ran down the road faster and immediately opened the wide glass door widely, catching everyone's attention.

I gulped down my saliva and my eyes were lost like a kitten finding for its owner.

I bit my lips when i saw my boss, standing in front of me with a fierce face as he kept tapping his foot down on the floor and it echoid around the cafe.

"Really Stella? Why the fish are you late again?" My eyes could only fix on the ground, fiddling with my feet and hands.

"My shower was not working this evening, sir." I answered rightfully as i flashed him a nervous smile. He gritted his teeth and not long after that a heavy sigh escaped from his mouth.

"Look, you always tell me not to fire you and you guarantee you will not be late again. But you are always LATE straightly this week. Are you kidding me?" He snorted out while emphasising the word 'late'.

"Sir, I'm really really sorry. It's not like i want to come late! My shower is really not running very well whenever my shift started!" I snapped back. Even i didn't know what's the problem with my shower. I should move from the freaking house. Oh no, i didn't have any money. Sadly.

He face-palmed himself as he also felt lost of words to talk to me. I grinned widely and brought my both hands together, pleading him.

"I really promise, i won't be late again!" He looked up and shot me a glare made me gulped and slowly stood up straight like a police woman.

"Fine. If you do that once again, i won't be hesitated to fire you right away."

I smiled widely and nodded, raising up my right hand and placed it on my forehead and salute at him.

"Yes, sir!"

I walked out with excitement filled my whole body and took my place in the cafe.

My shoulders got nudged by someone made me abruptly turned to my side just to see a smiling girl, staring at me sheepishly.

"What excuses you used just now?" She asked, feeling interested.

"Hey, that's not my excuse. My shower is really not running very well nowadays!" I snapped back, gaining a scoff.

"Stell, you should take a shower at your landlady house then. You should be thankful that boss is still soft hearted towards you." I rolled my eyes.

"Eve, stop talking and do your job properly." I smiled forcefully at Evelyn, my only friend at the cafe. She scrunched up her nose in annoyance and turned away from me, starting to do her work silently.

Time flew by sure was so fast. Everything became so fast in front of me. Customers came and went out from the cafe. My eyes couldn't help but to stare at those lovely customers in the cafe.

Is it weird to have such a feeling? I do really love watching and staring at people although Eve found it scary. She said that i look like a creepy person when i smile alone and stare at those unknown people.

I actually live alone. My parents were living not quite far away from me. I rent a house here just for this job. Everyone knows how hard it is to get a job nor find a job everywhere. Once i got it, i would never let it go.

I have a younger brother which only two years younger than me. My parents always compared us both and i felt so annoyed at that. The thought of fighting with him all day long just because we were sick of each other made me smiled alone. That annoyed face of his was never failed to make my day.

My thoughts got interrupted when suddenly Evelyn knocked on the table near my place made my body jumped at the sudden sound.

"Done dreaming?" I rolled my eyes at her state and she grinned widely. I saw she already changed her work clothes and now was wearing her usual clothes. I spent no time to look at the clock in front of me.

"What the- it's already 10?" I murmured as i whined and put my head on the table. Evelyn shook her head and gently rub my head.

"Poor you. My shift is over. See you tomorrow suck~" She smiled widely as she headed to the main door made me looked at her and cursed under my breath.

I was about to scream at her when suddenly a fist got landed on my table once again, but this time it was my boss. He sent me a glare which i gladly replied with an awkward smile.

"Yes sir?" I politely asked as i put my hands together at the below of my stomach, showing how respect i was to him.

"Don't forget to close it right on 12 am. Here is the key." He passed a grape of keys to me.

And now, i was left with other workers which i was not closed with. Sadly, i only have Evelyn here. I yawned and pouted alone as my eyes kept staring at the outside of the cafe. People tend to come and walked by in front of our cafe. I sighed as the day was already exhausted for me. I couldn't wait to go home and laid on my precious bed.

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