My Weird Dream

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As the few hours had gone, i finally finished my shift and stretched my arms and groaned. Finally, i could go home. As i watched the other workers left.

I headed to the door and locked it with the keys i got. After i was done with it, i jumped up and down happily on my way to my rent house.

I gotta say, the way to my rent house is always amazing and captivating. If you ask me which one i prefer a lot either during day or night, i would choose night. The only thing you could see in darkness was the stars. You have to be in a very great darkness place for you to see them clearly.

The night sky is always be my favourite thing to see whenever i was feeling down. Only a glance, could take away all the problems just like that. Even i was amazed on how it does that. Maybe because how gorgeous and pretty it is.

I couldn't stop smiling while humming my favourite song that i heard through my phone. It was only me on the empty road. It was in the middle of the night already. Who would go out at such time?

Kinda scary, but no worries. Stars were accompanying me.

My eyes were now landed on my rent house as i rushed to it. Entering my house, i tiredly headed to my room and plopped myself onto the soft mattress made a sigh of relief, came out from my mouth. I was at home.

After took a bath and dried my hair, i looked at the time and it was already 2 am. It was normal for me. I also once slept on 4 am and got up at 5 am to go to school. My mother always scolded me for that. She said sleep are always important for teenagers to make sure their health is good.

I finally landed my head on the soft pillow, inhaling the night air as i opened the window. That's the best thing that i loved about my room. Beside my bed, there was a window. A big one. I always opened it before i went to sleep cause feeling the cold air hitting my face helping me to sleep well.

After few seconds, my eyelids became heavy as they finally closed themselves and i could only see the dark.

I squinted my eyes opened and sat up on my own. A yawn likely escaped from my big mouth as i scratched my head in confusion. My eyes were still opened half, looking around weirdly as i could see only lights.

I thought i turned off my light before i slept. I tilted my head as they were lost, trying to figure it out where i was exactly. It felt so windy.
Did i let the window opened? But i never did that.

I licked my dry lips and slowly got up. When my sight finally clear, my eyes slowly widen when i saw where i was. The place was so colourful made me blinked my eyes few times. My room was dark and not colourful. I could hear the sound of birds chirping here and there.

As i was busy looking around in confusion, my gaze stucked on this one figure who was crouching down while his back was facing me. I didn't intend to move closer, but my feet did the opposite of what i wanted. I slowly walked to him and i could hear his laughter.

"Um... Excuse me?" The figure jumped a little, maybe he was surprised by my voice that disturbed him. He immediately got up and turned to me. Once he turned around, i was in awe and stunned by his profile. I mean, his face was so beautiful. His eyes were blue, ocean blue which made me stared into them for a while.

 His eyes were blue, ocean blue which made me stared into them for a while

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He tilted his head as soon as he saw me. Was my face looked really weird?

"Who are you?" He asked as he looked at me weirdly. I blinked my eyes few times cause i didn't know what to asnwer. I didn't have any specific answers for his question.

"Um.. I was about to ask you that.." I mumbled, looking here and there as I couldn't stand to look into his pretty eyes for too long.

He frowned hardly at my words. He eyed me up and down made me gulped in nerves. His eyes squinted as he tried to figure out something. Then suddenly he gasped.

"Wait, are you not from here?" His question caught me off guard. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him. What could he mean by that? I mean, this place looked scary and weird but i didn't even know what place was this.

"What do you mean?" I calmly asked as he blinked his eyes. I swear, this guy looked really cute.

"Don't you know what is this place?" I slowly shook my head as confusion took over my body. He nodded as he smiled so suddenly made his dimples were visible on his cheeks.

"This is Wonderland. Where impossible thing become possible." He said and stretched his arms wide, turning his body and running here and there like a kid.

"Wonderland?" I mumbled. Now what exactly happened? I literally just fell asleep on my bed and maybe were so happy with my dreams right now. Why the fish was i here?

The guy stopped running and rushed to me so suddenly with his powerful speed made me startled. He extended his hands towards me, smiling widely as his figure was towering me. He was so tall.

"Hi. My name is Nick. I'm Prince of Water."

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