The Sadness

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The moment my eyes opened, there i was again. Laying on my comfy bed, i stared bluntly at the ceiling. I was just about to have fun. I was having so much fun with them. Why i had to wake up at the memorable and beautiful moment? My eyes finally landed on the clock as it showed 11 am.

3rd person pov

Nick and Harry looked beside them in shock as Stella suddenly disappeared. A sigh escaped from Nick's mouth while the others were still in shock. Nate sat up and gasped when he saw an empty space between Harry and Nick.

"What the- where is Stella?" Chris frowned and sat up only to see the same thing as he gasped. Steve sat up and stared at them all.

"She woke up already.." Nick softly mumbled under his breath, but somehow the guys heard it.
"In Earth?" Nate asked making Nick slowly nodded his head.
"So, that's how it happened? She will come back here when she sleeps?" Chris spoke, making them all looked at him.

"Yeah. She sleeps at 2 am." Nick replied as his eyes still staring at the sky.
"How did you know what time she usually goes to bed?" Harry spoke as now his gaze were fully on Nick. A shrug didn't hurt as Nick replied like that to them and smiled alone.

"I will wait when she falls asleep again." Steve chuckled and stood up.
"It's been so long we've played here together. Stella made it happened again." Steve spoke with a small smile, as they all smiled and nodded.

"Guess, maybe we should gather when she comes. That's better." Harry muttered and got up.
"I gotta leave first. See you guys later." Steve left the place as he walked alone to his Kingdom.

Nate put his arms around Nick's shoulders and smirked.
"Hey, not only you are waiting for her. I'm waiting for her to come here again too." Nick looked at him in disgust.
"Actually, me too." Chris spoke with a slight smirk on his handsome face while Harry shook his head at their childish behaviour.

"Stop it guys. Nick might be hurt. Stella is only his Star." Harry joked, making them three burst into laughter while Nick pouted and shot the water balls to them straightly. They stopped laughing when they felt the wet on them.

"That's why you shouldn't joke at me like that." Nick said and brought out his tongue, sticking to them in annoyance.

"I'm gonna kill you." Nate said as he changed to a tiger made Nick widen his eyes and slided all the way to his kingdom.

I felt a poke in my waist as i turned and saw Evelyn. She was giving a stare at me for a whole time. Her brown circle eyes kept staring at me like she was the predator while i was the victim. I rolled my eyes at this, jokingly slapped her forehead as she hissed in pain.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Something on my face?" She shook her head and folded her arms and once again, staring at me like before.

"Tell me. Did you go to Wonderland again?" The moment she asked that question, my mind immediately went to where all of us were playing and skating together with loud laughter around Harry's Kingdom. Even thinking about that, i couldn't hide my smile as it made its way onto my face, gaining a confuse look from Evelyn.

"Guess you did." She replied as she sat beside me.
"You sad because you went there again?"

Oh how i wished to tell her everything. But i didn't know what held me back. Should i tell her how happy and grateful i was to come back to Wonderland? Should i tell her the main reason why i could arrive there? Should I tell her how i was skating with those five princes happily before i woke up? I flinched when she knocked the table roughly. An annoyed expression clearly plastered on her beauty face.

"Just tell me already!" She yelled annoyed while rolling her eyes at my silence. I chuckled and nodded, pulling her closer to me with a slight pull.

"What? You're upset because of that?" She asked in disbelief. Well, of course she was. I just told her yesterday how much i didn't want to go back there but suddenly today, my words changed.

"I just have to wait for tonight." I mumbled while pouting heavily. I wondered what the guys were up to now. Were they playing or practising?

"No worries Star. Now it's already 6 pm." She mocked the word 'Star' cause she knew how Nick loved to call me that. I rolled my eyes at her statements, immediately got up when customers came in one by one.

I rested my back against the counter and looked at the time. It was already 12 am. I quickly got up, pushing the chair i sat on and grabbing my beg, rushing to the main door. The click sound was made when i locked the door carefully. I smiled and stomped my feet along the empty road alone.

Looking up at the sky, the stars were invisible. I scrunched up my nose at the thought not seeing the stars tonight. I shrugged my shoulders and began to feel the cold air, hitting my face and body. I couldn't wait to go home and slept. I wanted to meet them again.

I took a deep breath and landed my body on the bed. Looking at the clock, it was indeed 1.55 am. For 5 minutes later, i would fall asleep.

I squinted my eyes opened and screamed in horror when i saw 10 eyes were staring at me as i was laying on the ground. I immediately sat up and rub my head and when finally my eyesight were fine, i got welcomed to a hug made me surprised.

"Star! You come back!" By the voice i already knew that it was Nick. I smiled and pat his back gently and we broke the hug.
I stood up by the help of Chris as he extended his hands towards me.

"Ready to have fun?" Nate asked as he raised an eyebrow to me. I smirked and grinned widely.
"I'm always ready."

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