Good Day

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The moment my eyes opened, I immediately touched my stomach and grinned happily. I felt so full. It might be weird to others when you slept with an empty stomach but suddenly got full after woke up.

Then, i suddenly remembered about the fire incident. I burst into laughing loudly.
"Is this looked funny to you?" I mocked Steve's tone as i laughed even harder. Gosh, that was the funniest thing ever. I wondered what would happen to Harry and Nate because they literally burnt down Chris's kitchen. I laughed again as i clapped my hands together. Suddenly, i jumped when i heard a knock on my front door as i immediately sat up.

"Who is that?" I mumbled, bringing my feet towards the door and opened just to make a gasp escaped from my mouh.
"Everton?" He smiled awkwardly as he reached for the back of his neck.
"What are you doing here?" He cleared his throat and when my gaze went down, i saw he brought some equipments in his grips.

"Evelyn told me to just come and fix your shower. You didn't call me yet I'm waiting for your call." I face-palm myself as i forgot that about our deals.
"Sorry Everton. I forgot about it." I apologised but he just sent me his warm smile.

"It's alright. I know you're tired and busy. Now if you don't mind, may i come in?" I gasped and moved to the side a little bit.
"Y-Yeah of course! Come in." He smiled and took off his shoes as he headed inside.

"My bathroom is here. You can start fixing it now." I said as i pointed to my bathroom. He nodded and flashed me his tiny smile before getting in. I brought my feet to the kitchen, making something for Everton. He literally came to my house in the morning just to fix my shower. I looked at the clock. It was 11.30 am. I still got lots of time to get ready.

After i was finished with something, i grinned proudly. I slowly went to Everton, who was busy keeping his focus on my shower. He stood up on the chair i gave him and he kept biting his lips as he fixed it.

"How long does it take?" He flinched when he heard my voice made me chuckled.
"S-Stella, you scared me." He mumbled as he showed me a puppy face. I laughed and shook my head as i folded my arms.
"Just little bit more. I will try to fix it faster so that you can get ready for your work." I smiled. He was so sweet.
"You don't have work today?" He shook his head.
"I took a day off for a week." My mouth hung opened. That must be fun for taking a long rest in home.

Speaking of his job, Everton worked in a company that handled all the new buildings and more. I gotta say, he was such a hardworking person. Evelyn had told me that Everton once didn't come back home cause he had to finish all his works when actually the work was not meant for him to finish it on that exact date and day.

"Done." I snapped back after hearing his voice. I looked up and saw he was smiling while staring at the shower. I chuckled, making him immediately looked at me.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Are you that proud you managed to fix my shower?" His cheeks began to heat up. Gosh, he was so cute and innocent. I wondered how Evelyn could be his twin. They were so different.

"Let's go. I had prepared something for you." I muttered as he nodded and stepped down the chair.
As i brought him to my kitchen, i bit my lips and slowly turned to him who looked at what i had prepared in confusion. He blinked his eyes few times as he bit his lips and looked at me.

"Um sorry, i don't have anything good for you. So... I just managed to prepare some ice creams!" I spoke in a happy tone as i smiled widely, showing my teeth. He slowly averted his gaze at the two cups which were filled with ice creams and turned to me. He chuckled.

"Don't worry. I love ice creams." He said as he headed to the kitchen and me sighed in relief.

"Really, Stell? You gave Evert ice creams?" Evelyn nudged my shoulders as we were now at my workplace. I shut my eyes tightly, knowing that Everton told her everything.

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