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I blinked my eyes, trying to process what Nick just said. Teleportation?

"Why you guys never mention about it before?" I had the urge to ask as i faced them.

"It's because.." Nate said as he scratched his neck.
"It is abandoned." I squinted my eyes at Steve.
"Abandoned?" They all nodded in sync.
"Well, not that abandoned but.." Harry spoke.
"But what?" I heard a sigh escaped from Chris's mouth.

"The Kingdom got cursed by our enemies 10 years ago." I gasped.
"At first, the people in there were many, just like our place. But when the war happened, it seemed like the curse had fell onto the Kingdom of Teleportation. Many people died, until only the last person remained. Fortunately, it was the prince. The curse made him sleeps for 2 years and then he would wake up. After a month, he would fall asleep again and wakes up again another 2 years." Chris explained, leaving me in shock.

My hands slowly released from the curtain as i stared at it in pity. It must be hard. Considering the way many people died and only him remained, making my heart sinked.

"I would say he is the strongest person then." They all chuckled at my words.
"Maybe." Nick replied.
"But, didn't he will die then?" I asked and jolted up my head to meet their beauty gazes.

"Yeah. But we told you, the moment we all turn 100 and we will die. He is still young." Nate said as he stared at the curtain.
"But how old are you? All?" I suddenly asked. Why i never thought of asking about their ages?

"We are 25." I gasped. Wow, they are one year older than me. No doubts since they were all handsome and respectful.

I was about to ask furthermore when suddenly my eyes opened and here I was, laying on my bed in the morning. Gosh i was about to ask them more about the kingdom though. It made me curious. I looked at the clock and it showed 11 am. I sighed and sat up lazily on my bed, stretching my arms and groaned.

A door bell made me startled as i blinked my eyes. Opening the door, my eyes widen at his sight figure. He smiled shyly and looked down.

"U-Um here. I bought some food for you." Everton said and handed me a plastic filled with food made me surprised. I gently pushed his hands back, shaking my head at him.

"N-No, it's alright. Thanks anyway." I said but he just took my hands and put the plastic bad in my grips.
"Why did you buy this? I don't want to trouble you." He shook his head and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry. You don't trouble me. I know you rarely eat in such amount and it's bad for your health. Eat more, so that you can keep being strong and energetic." I chuckled at him.
"Thanks, Everton." I said shyly as my cheeks began to heat up.
"What's wrong with your cheeks? They look so red." I froze when he asked me that. I immediately pushed his body to outside and closed the door.
"Thanks for the food, Everton!" I shouted behind my door and immediately headed to my kitchen.

"That was closed." I mumbled and shook off my thoughts, eating peacefully.

As i was just finished getting ready, a knock on my door disturbed me. I frowned. Why were there so many people came to my house?

Opening the door, my eyes met with Evelyn that rested her back against the wall of the door as she grinned to me sheepishly. I rolled my eyes at her presence.
"What are you doing here? I am going to the cafe anyway." I spoke as i went to my room while she followed me behind.
"Nothing though. I am on my way so why don't we just go together? I'm not gonna be alone anyway." She said as she sat on my bed, laying afterwards.
"You're not going to be alone. You have so many friends there. Not like me." I mumbled, gaining a heavy sigh from her.

"Stell, it's not like you don't want to be friends with them. It just-"
"Just what?" I cut her off. She pouted and looked down.

When i first got the job, the first day i worked was already a total chaos. I got a shout from my boss. The thing was, i just followed what the male customer said but then he started made a fuss over me accidentally touched his hands when handing over the drinks. He even screamed like i was harassing him or something. No one believe in me anyway. Evelyn was not there that time since her shift was totally opposite from mine. Now, our shift has changed. She took the morning and evening shift while me took evening and night shift.

Starting from that incident, every workers in the cafe thought i was a pervert. Because i always got accused by others customers that i always stared at them without any reason. I told you, i love looking at people. But i never thought people would think of me like that. Maybe, they were right. I was like a creepy person.

My thoughts got cut when i felt a hand  slightly pat my shoulders. I turned and saw Evelyn. She gave me a warm smiled. Her smile was so contagious. Just like Everton. The twin loved to smile a lot.

"Just shake off those negative thoughts. Let's go." She said as she slightly put a pressure on my shoulders and left. I smiled and looked on the mirror. But, it was better to have only one friend than none, wasn't it?

As few hours passed by and i just finished my shift. After i closed and locked the door, i sighed. It was raining heavily outside. I didn't have an umbrella with me. How could i go home? I didn't have any choice as i put my hands above my head and ran through the rain but instantly stopped when something protected my body from getting wet.

I looked up and saw Everton. He smiled at me and i could see his cheeks slightly getting red and i chuckled.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him as we were settled down under the umbrella that he held.
"Evelyn told me to come and pick you up cause she said you don't have an umbrella." I nodded. Evelyn had asked me before she left the cafe about the umbrella. So.. She sent me her twin i guess.

"Let me bring you home." I smiled and nodded. We kept talking all the way and i swear, Everton was so cute. He kept being shy around me as i complimented how kind he was. His cheeks were red like tomato and he kept scratching his head cutely.

As soon as i plopped myself on my bed, i got a call from my brother. I furrowed my eyebrows. He rarely called for me after i moved here. What did he want?

"What's the matter, Kevin?"
"Are you doing just fine there?" He asked making me smile.
"Are you worried about me?" I smirked. I could feel he was rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Your dream." He replied. I scoffed.
"What did you call?" I immediately went straight to the point.

"I want to say about something." He sounded serious made me gulped. I sat up straightly, focusing on what he would say.
"What is it?" He sighed.
"Actually, mom said not to tell you about it, but i can't hide it."
"Just tell me already." I spoke.

"About the shark men that dad borrowed the money from." I blinked my eyes. What happened?
"Why with them?"
"They suddenly stopped coming to our house to get the money. They came last month and then suddenly disappeared." I gasped.

"Isn't that good? Maybe they already forgot about the debt." I said in amusement.
"No. I don't think so. People like them are different. They won't sweep the debts away just like that. You know what kind of job they will do just to get the money." He said but i didn't have anything in my mind and i went blank.

"Let's just.. Think positive, can you? We should be happy since they won't bother mom and dad anymore. You know how stress dad is about the money." I spoke in a calm tone. But in reply, he just sighed again.

"If that's what you want to think then it's all up to you. I still remain to my words. I just want to say to be careful. They are capable to do anything." I smiled.

"Yeah yeah i will. You don't have to worry."
"Evelyn and Everton were living in a house near yours, right?" I thought about it.
"Not that near and not that far. Kinda in the middle."
"Whatever. If something happen, don't hesitate to ask for their helps." I bit my lips.
"Yeah don't worry. I will do that."
"Okay then. I don't want to disturb you since mom said this time you just finished your shift. Goodbye then." I was about to say something but he immediately hung up. Jeez, such a cold one.

I once again laid my body on my bed. My mind was now filled with the shark men. Not the five princes. I would meet them later after all. I sighed heavily. I hoped they won't disturb our family again. I felt sorry to my parents for had to go through those matters. It all happened because of me anyway.

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