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I froze in my place the moment she uttered those words. Then i remembered when the princes and I went to Harry's castle to read about Wonderland.

From the first time Wonderland was built until now, there are only 4 people managed to come to Wonderland.

She must be one of them.

"You have been there before?" I asked again, as she was dazed for a moment before nodding her head at me.

"When i was at your age. But that time, i met with the five princes that had turned to kings. Their ages were 56 at that time. So i was like their little grandchildren as i was 24. They treated me so lovingly. And that time, i met with the five children. Which i was sure, the five princes you met in your dreams. They were so tiny that time and i played with them almost all the time. They showed me their little powers. I'm sure you know about human's problems. Which the reason why we could land in Wonderland, isn't it?" She asked as she raised her sharp eyebrows at me. I chuckled and nodded.

"When my problems slowly faded away, i didn't go there anymore. I cried of course. I missed the little five princes. They were my cuties. I gotta say, you're lucky to meet them as almost same as your age and be their friend. Can you tell me each of their names?" She asked, although she already knew the answer. I smiled looking at the stairs.

"They are Nick, Harry, Steve, Chris and Nate." She warmly smiled and nodded.
"It's really them. That's the name of the five princes i played with." She spoke softly as she sadly smiled.
"I know how you feel. It's sad right?" I sighed and nodded.
"It's alright. Just think that they always watched you from somewhere. It's Wonderland. The place where impossible thing became possible." She said as we both burst into laughter.

"Do you know that the princes will become kings when they turned 50? And on that age also they will get married." She spoke giving me new information.
"No. They never told me that. Maybe because i never asked them about that." She laughed and nodded. She gently put her arms around my shoulders as she flashed me another of her rare smile.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright. Just take a deep breath and look forward. Your journey is way too long yet for you to be upset like this. They won't be happy to know that you're crying for them everyday and night. You're a strong girl. You can manage this unbearable pain."

I bit my lips and chuckled, slowly hugging her tightly in my arms. I could sense her surprised body when i hugged her. I laughed silently. She was way too sweet. I never thought, that my once angry scary landlady, was actually one of myself that had entered the Wonderland.

"Mom?" We broke the hug and when I peeked behind of her back, there was a guy stood still as he looked confused.

"Nathan! You woke up already?" The guy who i assumed named Nathan nodded his head.
"Ah, let me introduce you to her. Nathan, meet Stella. She lives here. And Stella, meet Nathan, my one and only son." She smiled widely as i gasped.

Ah, he was her son. I didn't see his face before since his back faced me every time. And i didn't bother to ask about him.

"Hi." He gently extended out his hands, waiting for me as he smiled at me dearly. I smiled and was about to shake hands with him when suddenly another hand cut me off and his body stood in front of me. I frowned and moved beside a little bit, to see the person.

To my surprise, it was Everton. He forced smiled at Nathan as he grabbed his hands in his.

"Hi, my name is Everton." He spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"A-Ah, hello Everton. I'm Nathan." Everton nodded as he looked at him up and down. A chuckled disturbed him as he looked beside him and see my landlady. She chuckled and pat his shoulders.

"Don't worry young man. My son already has a girlfriend. He won't steal your girl away from you." My cheeks heated up at her statement and when i secretly looked at Everton, his cheeks also did the same as mine. They were red.

"That's true. I just think maybe i can be friends with her. Can i?" Nathan asked as he peeked towards me. I laughed and nodded.
"Let's go mom. I already prepared our breakfast." He said and linked his arms with her. She smiled and bid goodbyes at me and Everton.

Right after she left, the atmosphere between me and Everton was so awkward. No one spoke as we kept scratching our heads and looked here and there.

"S-So, why are you here?" He gulped and faced me.
"E-Evelyn told me to pick you up and have some breakfast with us at home. Well, if you don't mind." I cursed under my breath. That Evelyn. She could call me other than telling Everton to come and picked me up though. I didn't want to burden him.

I was busy cursing on Evelyn in my mind when suddenly i felt hands on both of my shoulders made me flinched. When i looked up, i saw Everton's eyes were pierced through mine as he stared at me with concern all over his face.

"Are you alright, Stella? Your face look pale." He softly asked as he bended down a little, trying to look at my face. I was so embarrassed that time as he kept staring at me with those puppy eyes of his. I awkwardly nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about everything. I'm sure fine." I spoke as i warmly smiled at him, which a success on making him calm. He released his grips on my shoulders as he smiled.

"Let's go. Evelyn must be waiting at home." He walked as i followed from behind.


I was now at the twin's house. I already got mad at Evelyn and all she replied to me was a smirk, which made me annoyed of her. I was staring at Evelyn, who was busy cooking.

That was when, my mind flashed back to when i ate at Chris's castle and the fire incident happened. I secretly smiled as i rested my chin on the kitchen counter, reminiscing all the memories together with them that time.

"Ahh! Too big too big!!" We all looked at Nate and Harry and our eyes widen in horror when the fire was too big for us to handle. Chris cursed under his breath while looking at both of them who were shaking in fear.

"Hey! Stop the fire now!" I shouted, gaining their attentions. Nick shot some water balls towards the fire, Steve used his methods on calming down the fire with his hands, Harry blew some ice on it, Nate changed into an eagle and used its big wings to blow down the fire while Chris had a big giant leaves in his hands and tried to calm down the fire.

I softly chuckled, remembering each of their reactions to the fire. I sighed. Only God knew how much I missed them. I would be deadly grateful, if i had one chance to go to Wonderland and met with them.

"What are you laughing at?" Evelyn suddenly asked as she put the dishes on the dining table. I shook my head, while still resting my head on the kitchen counter. She took a seat in front of me, taking off her apron and threw it somewhere in the kitchen.

"Stell, what do you think of Everton?" That question caught me off guard. I jolted up my head, looking at her in disbelief.
"Why are you asking me that?" I raised an eyebrow. She sighed and came closer to me.
"Actually, he already told me about this before." I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"He said to me that he likes you a lot."

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