The Shark Man

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My eyes opened and i thought i would be in Wonderland, but i was wrong. I saw only dark place surrounded me as i felt my body tied tightly on a chair. The first thing that came out from my mouth was a groan. The pain on the back of my head was unbearable.

"Oh, wake up already? So fast. I thought you will be fainted for hours. But, you're only fainted for 40 minutes which is impressive." My head slowly looked up, meeting a pair of eyes. When the light hit his face showing his face clearly, i could only stared at him. He looked like he was in a year of 30. My mind went blank. Who was he?

He suddenly crouched down and looked at me with a smirk. Maybe he noticed the confusion on my face made him immediately grabbed my chin in such a harsh way made me yelped in pain.

"Isn't it rude to not recognise the people your parents have debt on?" My eyes widen at his words.
"Yeah, I'm the shark." He said and smiled creepily.

But how? How could he find me?

"W-What do you want from me?" I bravely asked making him chuckled as he let my chin go.
"You're the target of course. That old man is really hard to pay back the money. So i have to use his daughter to make him pay." I gulped and looked down.

"P-Please let me go.."He smirked and shook his head.
"If your father came without the amount of money i want, I will kill you. I only gave him 2 days."
"Y-You already told him?" He laughed and poked his inner cheeks with his tongue.

"Of course. I don't have much time for this little game." He suddenly came closer to my ears.
"Your dad came and borrowed the money, why should i come to him every single day and beg for the money? I hate that, you know?" He mumbled sending chills all over my body. He stood up and left the place.

I saw there were four men surrounded me made me gulped hard. What a shame. My good day was gone. It was perfect since the beginning, but he came and ruined everything. I couldn't see my watch, wondering what time was it. The princes must had waited for me.

3rd person pov

Nick kicked the small rock in front of him while pouting. He stared at the exact place where Stella would always land whenever she came.

"Where is she? Why she's so late today?" Nick mumbled. Harry sighed.
"Right. I already have plans what to play with her today."

"Maybe she'll arrive a little bit late. Guess she's tired." Steve spoke as he bit his lips.
"Yeah, let's just wait." Chris said as he flashed them his smile, making others nodded their heads except Nick. He kept staring at the place as he bit his lips hardly, thinking about something.


The next day came by so fast. I couldn't sleep at all. Thinking that i was not at home made me awake. I didn't want to sleep. What if  they did something to me when I was sleeping?

My thoughts got cut when the door opened and revealed the man again. He smirked when my eyes met him. He came to me, slightly crouched down.

"Seems like your father has problems in preparing the money." He spoke making me burnt in anger.
"It's because of you made the amount increased. If you didn't, the debt would be settled for a long time ago already." His eyes were getting dark as he stared at me with intense.

"If you don't want it then don't borrow the money from me at the first place!!" He suddenly yelled in anger made me jumped in my place.
"Your family is such a trouble. Especially your father. I should have killed him before i kill you." I gritted my teeth.

"Don't you ever dare to touch him!" He laughed and folded his arms.
"Tsk tsk. You and your brother are same. He also told me the same like you told me just now."

"Hello there. Where's my money?" Silence. He smirked.
"Seems like you don't prepare it yet. Is it because i stopped coming to you? Maybe that's the reason. I was searching for your daughter. And now i got her." He laughed out loud.
"You bastard! Don't you ever dare to touch her!" Kevin yelled through the phone as he smirked widely.
"Then prepare the money. Once you give me the money, i will let her go."
"If you fail to do so in 2 days, get ready to meet with her dead body later." He could hear Kevin cursed as he ended the call.

"Today is the day. If they don't come, say bye bye to the world." He said while smiling. I couldn't do anything since I was helpless.

3rd person pov

"I think she's in danger." Nick suddenly spoke as he stood up straight, making the other four princes looked at him in sync.
"What are you talking about? Why would she in danger?" Steve asked.

"Guys! She didn't even come here yesterday! It's impossible to say that she wouldn't asleep. Don't you guys have that scared feeling inside? I literally can't stop thinking about her. What if she needs someone's help? What if she's in danger?" Nick spoke as the four princes looked at each other, changing gazes.

"Then what do you want to do?" Harry asked.
"Let's go to Earth." They all looked at him as if like he was crazy.
"Are you nuts?! We can't! How?!" Chris shouted as he face palm himself.

"I know how much you're scared, but we don't know how to go there. We can't." Nate said as he looked at Nick who sat and messed up his hair in frustration.

"Don't worry. Today is the day." Steve suddenly spoke, making them turned their heads to him.
"What?" Harry asked. Steve looked up and met with their eyes.

"He will wake up today. Prince Leon."

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