Accident Occurred

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There we were, playing together at Chris's Kingdom. Using Harry's power, he could build anything by ice. He told me to ask him anything i wanted, i requested a bicycle and at first, he was confused. After i explained how a bicycle looked like, he immediately extended his arms widely and the ice slowly came out between his fingers and gathered together to become an ice bicycle.

"So what is this bicycle can do?" Steve asked in confusion when he and others saw me getting ready to hop on it. I raised an eyebrow at them as they did the same too.

"Nothing much. You can only feel the wind when you cycle. That's all. And i like that." I spoke, making them all gasped and nodded. Nate, Chris and Nick suddenly moved closer to Harry, hanging onto his arms.

"Harry, you should build one for me too. I want to feel the wind too." Nick said as he pouted.
"Me too. We're best friends aren't we?" Nate was clinging onto Harry's arms.
"I promise i won't request anything ridiculous anymore after this." Chris said and hugged Harry from behind.

"Ugh, you guys are annoying!" Harry replied, pushing them off him one by one. After few more arguments, Harry finally agreed as now there were four bicycles on the warm green grass.

"Who manages to cycle all the way to the end of Chris's Kingdom, is the winner," I spoke while grinning widely, looking at each of us as we all were ready to race.
Chris smirked and his eyes pierced through the way.
"I'm gonna beat you all."
"Your dream." Nick replied as he smirked widely.
"Nate will be the winner guys." Nate mumbled as he put his foot on the pedal, ready to hit it at any moment.

Harry slowly skated all the way to us, making the grass turned cold icy as Chris shot a glare to Harry.
"My beautiful grass already became frozen because of you!" He yelled and frustration, earning a roll eyes from Harry.
"it will turn back to normal, why are you making such a fuss over the small matter?" Harry muttered the last part making Chris dramatically gasped. He was about to pick a fight with Harry but not when suddenly Steve came and cut him off.

"Ready? 3, 2, 1 and go." He spoke with such a bored tone and however, them four began the race. Harry turned to Steve with an expressionless on his face. Steve blinked his eyes and stared into Harry's dark blue eyes.
"What?" Harry replied with shaking his head.

As the race began, i was ahead while they were all fighting, saying that it was not fair of me cause i was the only one that knew how to cycle. I giggled alone, having so much fun while cycling the bicycle. Thanks god, it was already more than six years i had cycle. The feeling of joy and excitement mixed as i began to cycle hard. Out of a blue, i saw the grass filled with water as Nick slided with his bicycle and i gasped at the moment.

"Hey! It's not fair to use powers!" I snapped but i felt done when i saw Chris used his rope and the rope slightly attached to the ground, pulling his bicycle to the front and Nate changed to a cheetah, cycling faster with the help of the animal he changed. And now they were all in front and left me alone. I cursed under my breath and used all of my energy and hit the pedal with my tiny feet harshly as my bike immediately went further to the front, meeting with Chris as he looked at me in shock.

"What the- are you even human?" He asked while placing his eyes on mine while me being me, ignoring him and went passed him, meeting with Nick. Nick looked at me while laughing and i could see his cute little dimples on his both cheeks.

"Star! You are fast indeed!" He shouted and began to slow down his movements, making me went far ahead. Now i faced with Nate, the cheetah he turned to and when his eyes fell on me which was beside him, he immediately shot me a surprise look and when i accidentally looked at him, i burst into laughter cause he was cheetah and the way cheetah looked at me with its eyes widen were so funny to be exact.

"I'm gonna win!" I shouted loudly while bringing up my both arms in the air when i managed to go past Nate. I saw the big curtains indicating that Chris's Kingdom ended road. I tried to slow down and held the brake with my left hand, but nothing happened. I was in a very fast speed making me gasped in horror when i just realised that the brake wasn't working fine. I turned behind and saw that Chris, Nick and Nate were in the same line as they were laughing with each other.

"Help! I can't stop my bike!" I yelled in fear, catching their attentions. I wanted to stop my bike using my feet but i was so immersed in controlling the bike too fast before, making the grass made me looked like i was in a bike track. It was faster than i could ever imagine.

Out of a sudden, i saw rope with leaves and thorns began to tied my bike and i knew it was Chris. I turned behind just to see he was struggling with pulling my bike all alone. Nick used this opportunity to shoot some water balls onto my tire while Nate came down from his bike and he was still a cheetah, running past me and stopped right in front of the curtain.

I gasped when my bike slowly approached Nate as he changed to his normal self and closed his eyes, trying to stop my bike. But my eyes suddenly met with the bright blue sky when suddenly my bike got stopped by a powerful pull from Chris and my body floated in the air and i couldn't help but to scream loudly. I swear, everyone in Chris's Kingdom could hear my screaming.

My arms wandered as i closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the cold grass to hit me right on the head. But all i could feel was soft and wet things below me, making me opened my eyes slowly. I realised that i was on top of Nick's water. I breathed heavily and touched my chest.

"Star!" I saw Nick as his eyes showed fear and concern.
"Stella!" Nate and Chris shouted at the same time as they stood between Nick.

"You're fine?" Nick asked softly and i nodded my head, making them three sighed in relief. Nate extended out his hands for me to hold on. I slowly stood and i got welcomed in Nick's embrace. Nate and Chris just stared at us both as they slightly smiled.

"I'm glad you're not hurt." I smiled and pat his back. He slowly moved back and scratched his neck awkwardly.
"Thanks for saving me. I owe you guys so much." I flashed them my sincere smile as they also did the same and we all got into a hug.

"What happened?!" We all looked back just to see Harry skated while Steve came running like fast thunder with fire between his foot.
They looked worried. As they came to us, they immediately bombed with bunch of questions.

"I heard screaming!"
"Did you guys see something weird?!"
I chuckled.
"Calm down can you? Stella just got into accident." I laughed when Harry and Steve gasped and immediately checked me out.
"You're fine?"  I smiled and nodded. And after that, everything went fine.
Nick suddenly stared at me like he wanted something cause his eyes never left me. I frowned, staring back at him as he giggled cutely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He suddenly bended down as his eyes met with my level. No wonder, i was short.
"How much times left you will be here before you wake up?" I immediately looked at my tiny pink watch that my dad gave me as a present last year. I was smart right? I wanted to know the time left so before i was sleeping i wore the watch and now tada!

"I have kinda 5 hours left. Why?" His face immediately lit up made me looked at him in fear yet weirdness.
He suddenly held my arms, pulling me to him.
"Then, let's go somewhere with me." I smiled and nodded. But suddenly when i looked up, i saw how Harry, Steve, Nate and Chris looked at us annoyed.
"Where do you want to bring her?" Nate asked as he folded his arms.

"My favourite place." They all nodded but me, being confused of course.
"Really? Bring me along!" Chris said in excitement as he jumped up and down making me chuckled at his childish behaviour. Nick raised up his hands, shaking his head at Chris.

"Nope. I want to be with Star. Don't disturb us." With that, he dragged me along with him while smiling widely. I could hear the noise behind me with Chris's loud screams. I laughed out loud.

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