Ice Ball And Water Ball

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I tilted upon hearing her unique name as i never heard that kind of name before. Especially for this cute yet pretty little girl, that name suited her.

"Hi Icegy! Where is Harry?" Nick greeted and asked at the same time. Icegy pointed at somewhere while my eyes were following her fingers. She was pointed at a crowd. Strangely, this place became cold time to time made me shivered. And i looked here and there and could only see ice everywhere. The road, the houses, were all made by ice. They shined brightly as the sun was right above them.

"Thanks." Nick said and once again he snaked his arms around my waist made me startled. He chuckled.
"Sorry, Star." He muttered as his cute smile was there again. He pulled me closer to him as he went to the crowd and slightly pushed them and when we both just managed to escaped the crowd, he sighed heavily. I was about to say something when his eyes suddenly lit up, raising his hands up in the air and shouted for someone's name.

"Harry!" Just by then, i looked to the front and saw a guy turned to us. His eyes also lit up when his gaze landed on Nick. He smiled widely and made his ways to us. Not by walking. This time, i faced him coming to us by blowing something on his hands as he made a gestured with his hands, staring straightly on the ground. Then suddenly, the icy road became thick with the ice he added on and he skated to us. Right after he arrived, the ice made an impact on me made me screamed in fear as i got ice all over my body.

Nick and Harry flinched upon hearing my scream. Nick didn't waste any time to dust off the ice and looked at me worried in his eyes.

"You're alright, Star?" I replied with a tiny nod cause i couldn't stand the cold. It was so cold! Harry saw me and he squinted his eyes, piercing through my body like he was staring at a doll.

 It was so cold! Harry saw me and he squinted his eyes, piercing through my body like he was staring at a doll

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I was once again in dazed when he looked at me like that. He was so damn handsome.

"Who is this girl?" He asked as he faced Nick, while me being me kept staring at him.

"She is Star." I jolted my head as i turned to Nick. Star? No no.
I abruptly turned to that Harry guy and smiled widely while he kept staring at me.

"My name is Stella." He blinked and nodded understanding. He suddenly came closer to me and put his fingers under his chin as he observed me closer. I gulped hard, didn't know what to do nor say.

"You don't look like a person from here. Where are you from?" He raised an eyebrow and i didn't know what to answer. They all were so weird, how could they get this particular powers when i never got these though? I looked at him and calmly answered.

"Earth." I joked, but i blinked my eyes when suddenly he looked at me in horror. He put one of his muscular hands on his mouth, closing it tightly as a gasp escaped from his mouth.

"What the fish human do here?!" He screamed making me surprised but not Nick. He just stared at both of us clueless.

"How can you be here?" Harry asked, catching my full attention now on him. I shrugged my shoulders, even i didn't know what i just did to come here. I didn't want to come here at the first place.

"I was sleeping." He shook his head, looking unsatisfied with my answer.

"Then you suddenly, ended up here?" I slowly nodded cause i didn't know how and why was i here.

"Then it's your dream then." He replied as he crossed his arms against his chest. Nick and I exchanged our looks before looking at Harry again.

"How can you're so sure about that?" All i got from Harry was just a shrug.
"I read it somewhere. Believe me, when you wake up, you will not be here anymore." He said sternly as he smirked.

"Is that mean, she only here for just few hours?" Nick asked, feeling confused. Harry didn't say anything but nodded.

"Opps, i didn't introduce myself yet." Harry spoke as he suddenly stood up straight. He bowed like a prince before extending his hands.

"Hello, Stella. My name is Harry and I'm Prince of Ice." My mouth moved on its own, creating an 'O'. He stepped aside as he showed me the place clearly.
"As you can see, this is my kingdom. Ice Kingdom. Welcome to Wonderland." He said and his tone was so manly. Nick didn't say anything as he kept quiet and i spared a glance and saw he was looking at Harry in disgust.

"You're done? Let's go Star. We have three more for you to meet." When he said that, my mouth hung opened. He dragged me passed Harry while Harry crossed his arms and threw an ice ball to Nick while Nick easily dodged it.

He turned to Harry with a smirk as he just made a simple gesture, suddenly i gasped when i saw a big water ball landed on Harry as his hair were now covering his face and he looked so wet and done.

"I will kill you for sure one day, Nick." I heard Harry muttered as he sent Nick the deadliest glare ever. If eyes could kill, Nick must be dead by now.

Nick ignored as he kept dragging me to the front.

"Harry said i only stay here for few hours before i get up from my sleep. I don't think it's necessary to meet all of your friends." I snorted out, but he didn't stop pulling me with him.

"That's why we need to be hurry. I want you to meet all of the Princes here in Wonderland."

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