Steve And Nate

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My eyes opened as now i realised i was in Wonderland.

"Hey Star!" Nick suddenly greeted me as he flashed me his wide smile. I smiled back as he took my hands and helped me to stand up.

"Stella!" I heard my name being called and i saw the others. They walked with their hands in their pockets made them looked powerful and handsome as always.
"So, what will we do today?" I asked as Harry put his fingers under his chin, pretending to think hard.
"What about we play fighting?" Nate spoke making me widen my eyes.

Steve gave a smack on the back of Nate's head as he whimpered in pain.
"Don't say something ridiculous. She doesn't even have power what can you expect?" Nate rolled his eyes at Steve as i chuckled.

"Well, today, i will bring you to my Kingdom." Chris said. My eyes lit up but when i saw Steve, i gasped.
"Why don't we go to Steve's Kingdom?" Steve immediately shook his head, disagreeing with my suggestion.

"Why?" I asked as i pouted. Steve stood straightly with his hands crossed as he stared at me.
"My Kingdom is too hot for you. You might faint." I bit my lips. Right. It was fire.

"But i really want to go there though." Harry suddenly smiled as he put his arms around my shoulders.
"You can. I will put you under my ice protection." I frowned.

"Like this." Harry spoke and in a split of second, ice started gathering around me and finally became a shield to me. I felt like i was in an ice bubble that would protect me from any danger. I clapped my hands in excitement as i looked at them. My vision from inside the ice shield was blue.

"We can enter your kingdom now." Nick mumbled. Steve face-palm himself.
"Fine. But let's just go through it only for seconds. My people are busy practicing, there may be so many fire around in the air." He said as i nodded.

Steve leaded the way as we followed behind him. My ice shield was skated all the way to Steve's Kingdom as Harry put some ice under it.
As soon as the curtain opened wide, i gasped and smiled widely.
There were so many people practicing their powers when i could see there were fire balls everywhere. I turned to look at the others.

Nick was using his water power to make himself a protection just like what Harry did to me and Harry also had the same one. Chris protected himself with a giant leaf above his head while Nate changed into a camel.

Those people stopped what they were doing and bowed to Steve. I guess, not only Steve. The five princes they were bowing to. Steve walked with a poker face on while others smiled and waved at those people.

Bunch of kids came across us and they stopped right in front of Steve.
Steve smiled warmly, crouching down and ruffled their hairs. Unconditionally, a small smile plastered on my face when i saw him like that. He always serious and i thought he would be the same towards kids. But no, he was totally the opposite and it made my heart felt warm at that.

I saw the curtain again as i sighed, knowing it was the end of Steve's Kingdom. And now the curtain opened, we immediately got meeting with Chris's Kingdom when i saw the trees or to be exact, forest.

The ice shield slowly melted as now my feet stood on the grass.
"That was so much fun! If only i could walk through your kingdom without a shield, it must be so much fun." I said sadly as they all chuckled.
"Glad you like it." Steve simply replied.

"Let me bring you to my game place." Chris suddenly said as i averted my gaze at him.
"Game?" He nodded in excitement.
"Come on!" He pulled my hands with him and we went passed everybody there.

Seemed like he was dragging me to the back of his castle. The moment i stepped my foot there, my mouth gasped and hung opened. Wow!
There were so many giant trees everywhere with their thick branches attaching to each other. It looked like a fantasy forest. Well, it was. I forgot that i was in Wonderland.

The Five Dream PrincesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ