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4 Years Later

Times flew by so fast, which not easier for me to forget them. Every second, every minute, every hour, they would fill in my mind and i couldn't blame that. It sometimes made me happy but sometimes made me sad.

I was cooking, when suddenly i felt a pair of hands snaked into my waist, making me giggled. He put his chin on my shoulders, resting it.

"What are you doing, honey?" Everton's voice filled in my ears.
"I'm cooking. Don't do like this. Go and look at Alula. She may be wake up now." He shook his head.

"Wait for a minute. I want to stay like this." He said and snuggled his face on my neck, inhaling my scent.

Yes. We were married. After Evelyn told me about Everton, i didn't want to argue since i felt almost the same way like him. I meant, he was kind. I was pretty sure, every girls wanted a type of guy like Everton in their life. And how lucky i was, to have one, and it was Everton.

He immediately took me out and we spend so many days together. I gotta say, Everton helped me in calming myself down, not to cry over the five princes anymore. After for so long, he proposed me at a beach, making the environment became more romantic. Nathan, the landlady's son also just got married before us and i swear, his wife was so gorgeous and kind. She was soft spoken, her long soft blonde hair never failed to amaze me.

I was now had my own cafe, which with the help of Everton. He became a successful businessman and he used his money to build me a cafe. He knew i only loved to work in a cafe, yet he tried to help me by taking his time on the buildings.

"Maama." We both turned around only to see our daughter, Alula.

I named her as Alula, based on what Nick had told me. Alula is one of the star's name. Since my name is the meaning of star, i wanted to put the same name on my daughter and it looked unique on her. Everton didn't say anything, as he immediately agreed when we named her as Alula.

I smiled at the sight of my one year old Alula, coming into the kitchen while walking, looking unstable. 

Everton went to her and carried her in his arms, getting a seat with Alula on his laps. I put the dishes on the dining table when suddenly Everton gave me a kiss on my cheeks made me startled.

I turned to him only to see him bit his lips shyly. Gosh, even after we're married, that shy smile never left him. I laughed and took a seat beside them, watching my little one ate.

"Don't you eat?" Everton asked with his mouth full while feeding Alula. I chuckled and shook my head.
"No, i don't have any appetite. You can eat." He nodded and continued to eat. My phone rang, disturbed my time with her.

I looked at the phone call and smiled.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked me as i smiled.

"Nothing. Just watching my dear daughter eats." I could feel she rolled her eyes.
"Let's go to the cafe together today."
"Why? Kevin is busy?"
"No, just wanted to go for a walk with you today. Just like our usual day before we got married." I chuckled.
"Okay then. I will wait for you." She ended the call after few more talks.

Evelyn got married to Kevin. Believe it or not, that cold dude was married to my best friend. Actually, Kevin started to develop his feeling towards Evelyn when i was in the hospital. The incident that happened between me and the shark man. And of course, the existence of the five princes in Earth.

I began to miss them again.

I was tying the tie for Everton. He stood still and his eyes never left my petite figure under him.

"You're so beautiful." He blurted out, making my cheeks heated up.
"What's with the sudden compliment? You make me shy." I said and moved back a little bit. He smiled and cupped my face, only to place a soft kiss on top of my forehead.
"I'm your husband. And that kind of compliment should come out from my mouth everyday. So that you will fall in love with me more day by day." He said as he hugged me in his embrace.

"Everton, i already fall in love with you. You don't need to say those cheesy words for me." I said as he chuckled. After sometimes, he left for work.


I put my head on my desk, tapping the pen on it multiple times. I was at my cafe and in my office room. The door opened, revealing Evelyn as she came in and sat in front of me.

"What's wrong, Stell? You look unhappy today." I furrowed my eyebrows. I sighed heavily and shook my head.
"You miss those five dream princes?" I pouted and nodded.

Yeah. I told her before about the five princes since i couldn't bear all the pain to myself. Even if she didn't believe in me, it didn't hurt to share what i felt, right?

"I don't know how to say but, you don't have to be sad like this all the time. But, you know what? That Wonderland already did its job. And it was making you forgot all your problems when you were a teenager. Plus, you felt so happy when you were with them. I'm sure, the five princes also miss you like how you do. Even though you can't meet each other again, just pray. Saying that, you really want to meet them again. Only once. Who knows, it can happen." She reassured me although i knew it was ridiculous. It would never happen.

I sighed and just nodded, flashing her my smile as she pat my shoulders and left my room.


"Sleep tight, Alula." I said as i placed a soft kiss on her head. She softly giggled as i covered her tiny body with the blanket. I hummed a song, calming enough to make her fell into a deep sleep.

I smiled, looking at her soft yet pretty face. Her face showed how calm she was in her sleep. Which way opposite from me. I silently got up, leaving her sounded asleep on my bed and headed to the big window near my bed and opened it. I placed my hands on the excess walls near the window and rested my chin on my folded arms.

My eyes were searching for the stars. And when i spotted one, i smiled. I didn't know why, but the moments my gaze was locked with the stars in the sky, their smile faces always there. Maybe because whenever i looked at the stars, my problem disappeared just like that and i felt like everything stopped for a second. It only me, and the stars. It just same like them. They helped me by sweeping away my problems.

"I miss all of you so much..." I mumbled and tilted my head and admired the view. Everton still not at home as i knew how busy he was nowadays. He got new projects and always came home late.

I sighed and closed the window, heading to my bed and laid my heavy body on it. I bit my lips, trying to calm myself down cause i felt miserable and wanted to cry on the spot, missing them so much. With that, i closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


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