Chapter 1

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Cyrus's PoV

All I did was knock under her bed and she ran out of the room and stumbled down the stairs.

These humans are weird.

She ran to what look like her parent's room and knocked.

"Mommy! Daddy! Boggie man's under my bed" She yelled.

Ok. Big mistake. I shouldn't have scard a seven year old.

Rolling my eyes I left her house. I was just gonna take the flight when I heard a familiar voice.

"Why do you do these things?"

"Aiden!" I exclaimed.

Since I left Cloudaria, Aiden comes to meet me every six months. But this time he wasn't alone.

"Hey Emunah" I rolled my eyes at the girl who stood beside him.

Aiden gave me a bro hug and Emunah stuck her tongue out at me.

"How's my dude" Aiden said.

"Doing great, why did you bring this chipmunk here?" I asked gesturing towards Emunah.

"Well, we're here on business this time" he said raking his fingers through his silver hair.

All spirits shared the same silver hair and eyes.

"Did something happen" I asked.

"Something? You almost fucked our world up!" Emunah snapped at me.

I stared daggers at her. While Aiden tried to calm her down.

Emunah, though she was turned to a spirit just some months ago, was really loyal to the court.

"Dude, I hope you remember what you did two months ago."

I did.


I was flying over some supposedly haunted woods when I caught sight of that girl.

She sat there in the middle of the forest near a big tree. She was alone. I descended down and watched her.

Well, you know me and my naughty side.

I walked over to her making stomping sounds on purpose. She stood up. I knew she was scared.

She started walking and I followed. Then she broke into a run and so did I.
She tripped on a log and collapsed on the ground.

That was a good chance to scare the shit out of her but then a demon, who seemed to be around 20 appeared.

I scared humans, vampire and werewolves but I never scared demons.
Unlike others, they could see us, not exactly with an appearance but to them we were 'smoke-like' beings.

I flew away but I knew I would go back.

When the demon finally left her, I followed her till she was alone and tried to scare her again.

This time, I knew the demon was near again. I did not want to hurt her but I was angry and so I picked her up and threw her to the wall.

That was a mistake because something impossible happened.

When she collapsed against the wall, I winced in pain. It was like I was partly feeling what she was going through.

I left her there and stood at a corner of that town. Normally, I only scared an individual once but there was something different about her.

That night I gave her a nightmare. She woke up breathing heavily and I scared her again. Nothing happened to me though she fainted.

I decided to leave her then but there was a part of me that wanted to stay near her, she felt like family.

The next night, the demon knew I would scare her again so he took her. When he returned her she was asleep.

This time I just sat in the small kitchen untill she arrived. I picked the lantern up.

To my surprise, she was brave. Obviously, the demon was her mate. His confession to her had made her both mentally and physically stronger.

She walked to the pot and poured some water in a cup. I wanted to let her go but that naughty little part of me wanted something fun.

So I picked the pot. Shattered it, careful not to harm the girl and poured all the water over her head.

I found out her name was Ellina. Which sounded familiar to me.

That was it. I was gonna leave now. But this stupid girl had a real tendency to get herself in trouble.

I had decided to walk in foot. After walking for an hour or two, I found a decaying corpse, I recognized it as one of Ellina's companions. I knew a vampire had drained her blood and there was only a single vampire in the town and woods at the moment. Yhere were signs of black magic on her body as well.

And all of a sudden, Ellina was here. I knew the vampire was coming after her so I tried to scare her so she could run but, she bumped into that shit ass vampire.

I was gonna follow them but I got a tap on my shoulder.

"A demon is looking for you, I think he's gonna kill you" the ghost of an old man said to me.

If you're thinking, yes, ghosts and spirits can touch eachother.

"Can spirits be killed?" I raised a brow.

"Yes, demons can eat spirits"

"Oh" I gasped in surprise.

"Thanks by the way" I smiled at him then took flight.

I was half a mile away from the woods when I felt something strange happened.

It felt like a knot was tightening in my chest. When I flew back to Ellie it was too late.

She was lying on an altar in her own pool of blood. Just in that moment I realized how fond I had grown of her.

A ghost was over her. I picked the ghost and threw her on the ground then pushed her down while she unsuccessfully tried to get up.

When the boy came I knew what he was gonna do. He walked to the ghost and I walked to Ellie.

Her soul was departing her body. With all the supernatural strength I had, I pushed the soul back in. It was to lock her soul in her body, that wouldn't let her die but she wouldn't wake up untill... well, let's leave that one for later, shall we?

The demon walked to Ellie with the dagger. The blood dripped in Ellie's slightly ajar mouth.

I knew the blood won't work exactly but it would keep the soul locked for longer.

When she didn't wake up the boy started to have a breakdown. That was sad. And I was gonna break another one (one being locking of soul) of the rules of nature.

I was going to tell him hour to wake her up. I had decided that.

"She won't wake" I called to him.

"The dagger killed the vamipire, his blood won't work anymore" don't know why, but I lied.

"There should be a way" his voice trembled.

"There is" I prepared myself to tell hi but then another spirit lunged at me.

She was so fast that I went through the  wall. She had taken me by surprise. I struggled. She was no match for me. I struggled free and flew back to Ellie but I was too late.

"Ask the king" Aiden said before I could reach the demon.

I gave up. I was angry at them but on the other hand, I knew I was gonna take a big step. So without saying anything further. I left.

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