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Ellie's PoV

*three months later*

Our feet dangled down the balcony. Mom sat in the backyard of our house surrounded by some of her friends, the yard wasn't big but it was enough for her 12 or so companions to party comfortably.

"I'm so happy that you finally decided to adopt him" Christina, A friend of my mother cheered glancing down at the five year old boy who sat by my mom.

So it's been almost six months since I uhh, went missing I guess, and three months since I died.

I glanced down at the small blonde boy with big grey eyes, mom was under the process of adopting him and they were celebrating his welcoming party.

"I wanna take a close look of the boy" cheered Cyrus, aka my father, which I don't really like to call him, hovered down.

Ash wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close.

"I love you" he murmured for the billionth time today and kissed my forehead.

"How much?" I asked placing my head on his chest.

"More than you can ever imagine"

"But still, how much?" I said stupidly.

"So much that I'd die for you"

I lifted my head so that we were face to face, his silver eyes gazing into mine.

"You're already dead" I pouted at him.

He chuckled pulling me even closer.

It's been three whole months since we became spirits, at the beginning, I was angry at Ash for giving his life up for me but then I realized I'd rather not exist then exist without him. The anger died out but the guilt never did.

I still remember how strange and... unexplainable it felt the first time we met as spirits. I still remember how I had lost my memories when I first woke up as a spirit.


I opened my eyes to find two strange faces boring into mine.

I blinked.

A guy who looked like he was in his early twenties and a girl who looked nine. Both shared brilliant silver hair and eyes.

Who are they?

Wait, who am I?

My eyes scanned the surroundings.

Why the hell does it look like there was a fire in here?

Horror washed over me as I glanced down.

I hovered over a dead body, a girl's dead to be specific.

"Don't panic" A small voice said.

I reverted my eyes at the strangers.

"Stay still" the girl commanded moving closer to me.

Before I could process, she put a small crystal on my forehead.

"What are you doing?" My voice trembled.

"Bringing back your memories, hold still and shut you eyes"

I closed my eyes, following her command.

I found myself walking in a void, doors after doors making appearance.

I opened a door and stepped through it, I found myself in my own body. I saw memories. I stepped through door after door, getting back the memories that belonged to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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