Chapter 26

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Ellie's PoV

Lara practically squeezed my face, her nails dug into my skin.

"This is fun" She laughed unhysterically, tossing me under water once again.

What felt like some hours ago, Lara had appeared again, with her arrival, the realm in my mind reappeared, except that, everything looked way too dark.

Along the time, she had beat me up like shit and even made some attempts to drown me.

She pulled me out of the water by my face, after giving a satisfied smirk, she turned to fog and so did everything else. Soon everything blended out to blackness, a wide screen appeared before me.

My whole body trembled, being more than grateful that it was over, I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them as tight as I could.

I had a strange yet familiar feeling go through my body. Ash, he was near.

Hope started to bubble up in my chest, he was finally here.

What I wanted more than anything now was to look up and find him smiling at me.

Oh come on, that's the only thing I've wanted over the past few months.

I wanted to look at the screen, but I dreaded the disappointment I would get if I don't see him staring back at me.

Building up courage and after telling myself that I shouldn't dwell on something close to impossible, I finally decided to look up.

Lifting my head, still half heartedly hoping to see Ash, I was actually disappointed when I saw Damien sitting on the balcony, his feet dangled off the edge.

"Will you let me get up or do you plan on keeping me in this state for the rest of my life? I've been sitting in this position for like past 10 hours!" Damien grumbled.

"We're having guests" she said totally neglecting his words prior.


If she had stated that, it ought to be legitimate. I could feel the doubts about having Ash near started to vanish.

She turned away, walking back inside. As far as I knew, the room was at the second floor, it wouldn't take Ash much time reaching here.

"Sit" She commanded Damien, whom, I hadn't noticed was right behind us, gesturing at the big faded couch.

"Who are the guests?" Damien said perching himself down.

"You'll see"

"Are they close?"

"They'll know we're here" she said walking over to the couch and sitting on Damien's lap.

I cringed inwardly, suddenly feeling an urge to throw up.


Ash's PoV

I ran through the corridor as fast as I could, my hand was ablazed.

Behind me Cyrus followed with the same pace soundlessly.

The sound of her voice, Cyrus hadn't heard it, which clearly meant that it was in my head. Somewhere, I felt like she was signaling me somehow.

Taking some flight of stairs, I reached an opening.

I lifted my hand up, illuminating more of the surroundings. A feeling of dejá vu washed over me at the sight of the altar that lay in the middle of the gigantic room.

"Woah" I head Cyrus whispering.

I scanned the place, looking for another flight of stairs.

Spotting one, I quickly rushed towards it.

"Wait up dude" Cyrus said running after me.

Ignoring him, I ran up the stairs that opened into another corridor.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I inhaled deeply, I knew she was there, on the other side of the door that was situated at the other end of the corridor.

Opening my eyes, I practically ran towards it. When I was close enough, I kicked the door, shattering the old wood into pieces.

Walking in, White-hot rage boiled inside of me at the sight.

Ellie, my Ellie, was curled up in another guy's arms.

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