Chapter 21

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Ash's PoV

Cyrus shot downwards and I followed.   I couldn't see him anywhere. I flew as fast as fast as I could, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

After what felt like almost 5 minutes, I halted. It took just a few seconds last time I crossed this barrier, why was it taking so long now?

I scanned the surroundings. Clouds, only clouds everywhere.

I remembered something the fairies had mentioned, about not being able to cross the barrier without being accompanied by a resident of Cloudaria.

I bit the unside of my mouth.

"Cyrus?" I called.


Realizing I couldn't cross this place without Cyrus, I decided to go back to Cloudaria.

I hovered upwards. Apparently, the clouds weren't coming to any end.

I sighed.

There was no way out.

Oh wait.

I pulled the little gem stone from my pocket. Cyrus hadn't mentioned anything about it helping cross realms but one could still hope, right?

Holding the green gem between my thumb and pointer finger, I lifted it up, admiring the beautiful spiral patterns.

Ok, now what?

I pouted them tightened the hand holding the gem into a fist.

Then what I did next was one of the worst actions of my entire life.

"Please, please help me" I begged at the gem.

To my surprise, something did happen, the clouds around me started whirling, the vision tinged to green. I felt heavy, peculiarly heavy. I felt my limbs going limp. I succumbed to darkness.


The heaviness lifted, stamina returned to my body but the darkness still remained. I was on my knees.

Wait. Solid ground?

I tapped at the ground, it sure was solid.

Lifting my head I glanced around. Darkness surrounded me from all fours except for a small glowing silhouette.

In seconds, I was on my feet, walking towards the figure.

She sat there hugging her knees, her ghostly white skin glowed. Her long black hair almost blended into the darkness that surrounded her.

"Ellina!" I practically yelled, running towards her.

She didn't even budge.

I kept running but instead of getting closer, she was getting farther.

I ran as fast as I could to no awail. Her small figure grew smaller and smaller till it disappeared.

I was at the verge of tears. She was so close yet I couldn't get her.

I collapsed on my knees and squeezed my eyes shut.

It's just a dream.

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find myself in a forest. Unlike the black forest where the Pandemonium resided, this forest was lusciously green. Colorful fruits hung from the bright green trees. Flowers covered the undergrowth.

"Intruder!" I heard a yell.

My head shot to the direction of the voice.

A green goblin ran in circles with his hands over his ears.

"Intruder! Intruder!" He repeated yelling.

Two armed goblins came running at me clumsily.

After tripping several times, one finally managed to approach me while the other kept trying to free his foot that was caught up in a vine.

"Why are you here?" The goblin asked rather bravely, pointing his tiny sword at me.

I just kept staring.

"You don't know who I am" he spat.

To my surprise, I laughed.

The goblin flared his nose at me.

"I will slay you right here!" He warned.

"Try" I said coolly.

"Stupid! He's a demon!" The other goblin said closing in, his sword dangled by his side.

"W-what?" The one holding the sword at me sputtered.

"A demon?" I heard a smoothe female voice say.

I didn't bother to turn my head.

"Your Majesty!" All three of the goblins exclaimed, bowing their heads.

Majesty? Is that the beast Aiden said that the gem possesses?

Still, I didn't turn.

"Why are you here, demon?" She asked softly.

I lifted my head up to see her.

A girl in her teens stood before me. She wore a light green dress covered in flowers. Her green eyes lit up, widening a little as I looked at her.

"Ash?" She whispered almost to herself.


Ya'll, this chapter will start making sense after the next one (or two).

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