Chapter 19

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Ellie's PoV

(Sorry ya'll, I should've posted this chapter long before but eh... sorreh)

Ever since Lara took possession of my body, the realm I had in my mind disappeared.

The once vibrant gardens and the cloudless sky, everything dissolved into nothingness. Than, a huge screen appeared before me. I couldn't move or speak because every inch of me was under her control but I could see everything, almost. I scanned the screen, which showed me a real world, then diverted my eyes to scan my surroundings. Everything else was pitch black.

A young man stood before me, more like before Lara.

He glared at Lara with big hazel eyes filled with hatred.

"Why the hell can't I move?" He spat.

"Shut up Damien!" Lara snapped back.

"No I won't Bitch! First you break my heart, then disrupt my tranquil life by possessing me and now this?" He snapped back, the only thing that moved were his lips and eyes.

Lara walked to him keeping a slow pace. Ruffling his blonde hair, she spoke softly "if you speak again, you'll be dead man"

( I don't remember stating what Damien's hair and eye color were, if I had done that previously and it contradicts with the these then pls let me know in the comments)

She started to walk away while scanning the place.

Pheona had mentioned it being a Castle but I'm not quite sure whether to believe her.

It was a round hall, some steps led up to an altar, which lay right in the middle of the hall. From the peripherals, a big chandelier could be seen afixed at the ceiling, covered in spiderwebs. Ablazed torches occupied  the round walls, illuminating the enormous hall.

Walking out of the hall, My bare feet were met by long damp corridors, with torches set at regular distances.

The corridors soon turned to spiralling steps. When Lara glanced down, I finally got a glimpse of what I was wearing.

My body was covered by a simple white gown. What caught my attention was the color of my body. The once olive tone was replaced by white, white as snow.

I could hear footsteps behind me, Damien, he must be following, he's still under Lara's control after all.

After several minutes of walking, we finally reached outside. I could seee mountains and trees everywhere. The wind blew fast against my skin.

"Shift" Lara commanded Damien.

I couldn't understand what she wanted him to shift.

Damien crouched down, his limbs started to destort. I was terrified by the sight. Maybe he was a ghost too, no he looks too legit to he a ghost.

His clothes ripped, his body was covered by grey and white hairs. I took a moment to realize what he had become with widening eyes.

Werewolves exist?

I couldn't believe my eyes, ghosts, demons, spirits, vampires and even werewolves!

Lara stepped forward, when she was close enough, she pulled herself and perched herself on the wolf that was once Damien.

"Take us to the woods" She demanded.

The wolf growled before breaking into a run at an unexpectedly high speed.

We ascended the mountain in a matter of minutes. Soon we were running through forests.

After what felt like hours, Damien stopped.

Lara glanced around. The woods were peculiarly familiar.

Of course they were, these woods took my friends from me, the vibe of being here wasn't welcome at all.

She descended from the wolf's back and sulked around the forest for some minutes before I got a familiar feeling. The feeling that I loved more than anything.


Lara glanced up at the sky.

Due to darkness, my vision wasn't clear enough but I knew I couldn't mistake him. He was flying, his black wings were wide open.

Lara lowered her gaze to the ground and started walking in the same direction as Ash.

I could feel him getting closer. Lara walked to a place, that I knew was the demon cemetery. The place was quite different from the last time I had seen it.

Lara hid us behind a building.

Ash descended and knelt down grabbing a handful of ashes. My heart felt like it was melting. Tears started to burn at the back of my throat. I couldn't bear seeing him despised.

"Ash" Lara called.

Ash's head shot up, he scanned the surroundings desperately. I knew he was looking for me. I wanted to call for him, to let him know I'm here but I couldn't.

Lara called to him again, almost as a whisper this time.

Ash looked around, I saw several fireworks exploding around him. Lara walked out of her hiding place. After sparing a single glance at Ash, she started running away.

I could feel my heart breaking yet again.

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