Chapter 13

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Ellie's PoV

"Babe" Zach grinned at me.

Is my mind playing tricks at me?

"You're not real" I whispered staggering backwards.

He stepped towards me.

I ran out of the room with all the strength I had. I could feel my body getting heavier.

Suddenly, Zach was in front of me, his green eyes boring into mine.

"There's no way outta here" he bared his fangs at me gripping my wrist.

His eyes started to change, his face, hair and body, everything started to change. He let go of my wrist and collapsed against the ground.

"It's your fault, all your fault" he hissed, his body was trembling.

I ran, I needed place to hide and I knew just the right place. I took a flight of steps downward. I descended down to the dark crypt. Something lunged at me from the back. Knocking me down.

I collapsed against the hard, damp floor. She was above me.

"IT'S ALL YOU FAULT!" It wasn't Zach's voice though. It was famine, a voice that gave me dreadful memories.

She pulled my hair up then banged my face against the floor. I felt pain that I wasn't supposed to feel.

This isn't real, this isn't real.

I kept repeating the verse at the back of my head like a mantra while she repeatedly banged my face.

Abruptly, she stopped, she got up and walked over my now limp body.

"Get up" She ordered.

I didn't budge.

"I SAID GET THE HELL UP!" She yelled pulling me with my hair and yanking me backwards.

My back hit a non-existent wall. I fell on my knees.

"Look at me" She commanded.

This time I did.

Lara stood infront of me, her once soft and beautiful traits were now crooked and distorted. Her eyes which were once blue-green, were now as black as onyx.

She laughed at me.

There were a million questions swarming in my head. I wanted to know what she was doing in my mind. How could I feel pain? I mean, this state I'm in, isn't physical, is it?

"How..." was all that escaped my lips.

Lara's PoV

I laughed at Ellie. She was the one responsible for this condition of mine. If his stupid demon pet hadn't killed me, I would've been living peacefully.

"How..." the girl said.

I didn't owe her an explanation did I? After all, I had possession of her body now and I can do whatever I want, even make her go through pain that she supposedly shouldn't be feeling.

She was on her knees. Her eyebrows pleading for mercy. Seeing her so vulnerable made me feel a strange kind of satisfaction.

My lips twitched.

At least her body is better than damien's.

That stupid coward.

When I had let him escape some sixteen or seventeen years ago, I had regretted that. But now I was proud of myself.


I was ablazed. The demon had set my whole body on fire by a mere touch. I watched as he left my side and ran over to Ellie.

The fire would've killed any ghost but me. Being a witch had a few perks. The fire hurt, if I wasn't already dead, it would've killed me.

The fire took days to die down. When it did, I went to my cottage in the town, unfortunately, the whole town was burnt to ground.

I knew who had done that, I was enraged, the only reason why I stay here was that the residents were weak and vulnerable, making them easy victims. I made them think I was a doctor, the woods being haunted were another perk.

Each time I murdered someone, I drained their blood and bathed in that, which caused me to stay alive and beautiful even after hundreds of years of living.

I spent a whole month hiding in the woods, trying to plot a plan. I was too weak to leave that woods. It was just another one was those boring days when my mind clicked.

I remembered him, that stupid vulnerable coward Damien. I contacted him through my mind. I had to build that connection in each of my victims' minds, and I still had that connection with him.

I was positive he'll show up but he did take a long time and right when he came I had taken over his body.

End of flashback

Damien was awake when I took over him and thus, I couldn't reach his mind but Ellie was captive inside her own mind and that made her much more vulnerable.

I could terrify her here and use her body the way I wanna.

She kept started at me. I knew she was at the verge of tears. I wanted her to loose it. I wanted to laugh at her while she broke down.

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