Chapter 3

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Cyrus's PoV

"Yeah, I remember exactly what I did" I said sarcastically.

"You need to let the soul of the girl out" Aiden replied grimly.

I knew this was coming.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" I folded my arms.

"Because you are the one who did it at first place and you're the only one who can undone it, got it?" Emunah snapped.

"If you don't do it, Queen will get you imprisoned" Aiden declared.

If you're wondering, yeah, no one knows the name of our Queen. She normally just goes by 'the Queen' or 'the Emperor'. Personally, I prefer referring to her as chimp, short for chimpanzee.

"Why hasn't she done that already?" I grunted.

"Be grateful and get on with what you should be doing" Emunah rolled her eyes and hovered out of sight.

What's the matter with her?

Aiden stood silently in front of me. His mouth pinched in a small line.

"Aiden?" I mumbled.


"Have you ever felt like..."

"Felt like what?" He inquired.

"Nothin, drop it" I shook my head.

"Spill the beans"

"Do you know who I was before I died?" I asked.

"No, you stole your file" He stated as a matter of fact.

"That wasn't mine" I said pressing my lips together.



I flew through the thick clouds of Cloudaria, the sound of sirens grew faint.

I was oblivious of time. It was brighter then day up there but when I descended down to earth, the place was enveloped by darkness.

The glow from my own body illuminated my surroundings.

Folder! I had forgotten about the folder that was tucked under my arm.

I pulled it out and opened it. Inside the folder there was a single sheet, a small blue crystal was beaded in the middle.

Picking it up, I knew what to do, inspite of the fact no one has ever taught me. I closed my eyes and pressed it against my forehead.

I was in a black void, I could see pictures which were surely memories. I touched the first one I saw.

I was in a body, sat on a small rocking chair watching some children playing in a small garden.

"Grandpa come play with us" the blonde girl cheered.

Wait. What? Queen had said I was twenty three. I couldn't have grand kids at that age. I looked at the body, the hands were of an old man's.Shit! I had grabbed the wrong file.

I pulled the crystal away from my head and put it back in the folder.

End of flashback.

"You heard right. The folder possessed memories of an old man." I said.

"What the hell? You really wanna kill me don't you?" His eyes widened.

"I'm sorry" I apologized raising my brows.

"Do you have that folder?" He asked.



So, mission not accomplished. I failed. So like. I don't have anywhere to go now and the only hope I had is lost now.

Should I go back to cloudaria? Nah, they'll chain me up. Should I at least return the folder. Nah.

I glanced around. I was in a park. Walking out, I went to the first house. Shit. The doors are locked. Oh wait. I'm a spirit, maybe I can go through walls.

Surprisingly, it worked. All I had to do was concentrate and I was inside. I looked for a safe place and found a trap door. I opened it and shoved the folder inside and banged it shut.

"Who's there?" I heard a voice call.

The voice had come from somewhere behind me. When I glanced backwards I saw a boy around 19. Looking as frightened as a 7 year old.

I smirked. I didn't know why, seeing him frightened gave me a weird kind of satisfaction.

I knew he couldn't see me, so I walked over to him and then yelled.


He screamed and ran upstairs. I laughed my ass off.

After two months of lottering around earth, I came back for the folder. The folder was missing and so were the residents.

After some years, I saw that boy in a werewolf pack. Back when I had scared him he wasn't a werewolf.

Knowing me, I scared him again. This time, I tricked him into seeing ghosts.

I didn't even have to question him. Strangely, he knew what I wanted.

I tried to enquire, but all he gave was,
"I don't have it, I exchanged it for food"

Ahhh stupid me. I shouldn't have left it there. But what's gone is gone.

End of flashback.

"I can explain" I muttered.

"Ahh! Go let the girls soul out first, we'll sort this out later!" He said turning away.

"Wait!" I called to him.

"Now what?" I snapped turning back.

"If I free the girl's soul, will she die?"

"Yes" He said dismissively.

Well, that was bad. I had saved the girl at first place. I don't wanna kill her. I'm not a murderer.

I sat down on the roof of the house I've been standing on. I needed to think this through.

I have two choices now. Either help the girl back to life or kill her. Choosing the former is risky.

What the hell!

I am between a hard place and a rock. Both are risky. If I kill the girl, the demon will kill me and if I help revive the girl then a whole army of spirits will be against me.

Well, I'll end up dead both ways.

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