Chapter 22

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Ash's PoV

"Ash?" The girl whispered.

How the hell does she know my name?

"Who are you?" I asked the brunette.

"Did he just question the Queen?" I heard a gobblin murmur.

I shot him a dirty look as I stood straight.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"The tale is long, let's talk to over with some tea, shall we?" She smiled warmly.

My head was too hazy to argue, I just gave an almost reluctance nod.

"Greg, two cups of tea please" She requested the goblin who had first spotted me here.

"Yes, My Lady" he bowed disappearing.

"Derek, Rofok, arrange a table for two" She ordered looking at the armed goblins.

Both bowed and ran off to different directions.

A few moments of awkward silence, the goblins returned.

The one I 'thought' was Derek came running towards us holding up a small coffee table. Rofok ran dragging two chairs.

Setting up the table, they spread a small table cloth on it putting a tiny vase on it that contained a daisy.

Greg appeared with two cups of green tea, hastily putting them on the table.

I watched them without the slightest bit of interest.

"You are dismissed, thank you" She smiled at the goblins.

Bowing their heads once more, all three walked away.

"You may take a seat" she spoke softly.

I did as I was told. All this felt like a dream. An extremely vivid dream. Their were questions in my head, too many.

Where was I? How did she know my name? Was there anyway to get out of here? What's happening with Cyrus?

I needed to find a way out of here, and then, I needed to find Cyrus, and most importantly, I needed to find Ellie.

I took a seat. Scanning the beautiful surroundings once more. I glanced down at the tea cup that sat infront of me.

She sat facing me. That's when I noticed that her brown hair had a reddish tint to it.

"I was young when I met your father" she spoke surprising me "we fell in love instantly"

I stared at her in disbelief. She knew my father?

She continued "I wanted to spend my whole life with him, but after the Unanticipated death of my parents, my fate turned."

I starred at her with a frown.

"I'm sorry" She apologized sadly, for God knows what.

I chewed the insides of my lips, almost perplexed.

"We were so happy when I gave birth to you but that didn't last long. After two months, your grandfather passed away leaving the throne for me" She said.

My eyes widened. What the hell was happening?

There was no way that this girl could be my mother. She barely looked 17!

I remained still, unable to speak.

"You're not my mother, you can't be." I said calmly.

I was actually pretty surprised at my neutrality to what she had said. I wasn't even a tiny bit angry.

"You have every right to be mad at me"

"We look nothing alike" I admitted as a matter of fact.

"You resemble my father" she lowered her head pausing " you even sound like him"

A part of my brain screamed at me that whatever she said was legit. And how did she know my name at first place?

Actually, I don't give a shit about it. I can't waste my time on a stupid reunion.

"I need help" I stated.

"Oh" was all that escaped her lips.

"I was stuck between two realms, can you help me get back on earth?" I got on the business.

"No, I can't let you go yet, I'm seeing you after so many years, I want you to stay with me" she spoke softly.

"Please, I need to go, I have a life to save" I tried to stay calm.

"Life to save?"

"The girl I love is stuck between life and death, I need to save her, after that I promise I'll visit you" I tried explaining.


"So will you help me?"


Sorry, I know this chapter is crap. I was too exhausted to think straight.

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