Chapter 4

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Ellie's PoV

He was going, walking away from me. Each time he did that, I felt like a part of me is dying.

"It's painful watching him leave" I said to my companion.

Pulling the lollipop out of her tiny mouth she spoke "I'm surprised you still haven't grown used to it, seriously, you've been in a coma for two whole months and this happens everyday. Oh and by the way, this blueberry flavored lollipop is better then strawberry, I looove it!"

I chuckled. Ever since I went to this 'state' which is kinda like being in a coma, She visits me.

She told me her name is Pheona, I like to call her chatter box. When she starts talking it's hard to shut her up. She told me she's a spirit but I think my own brain has made her up.

"Do u like my new shoes? I like those I wore yesterday better but I like these too and especially those tiny shells on them. Oh and I bought the same shoes in pink, blue and green colors too. I was thinking 'bout gonna wear the blue ones today but wore the pink ones.  I regret not buying a purple pair,yeah should've bought purple too" She said pointing at her pink pumps.

I nodded, not really paying attention to her. No matter how hard I tried to keep my thoughts diverted, they always got back to him.

I couldn't see him. I was stuck in the realm of my own mind. There were endless gardens and rivers. Even a castle. But nobody except Pheona and me.

Ash, whenever he was close I could sense him. I could sense when he was in pain and whenever he cried, I broke down too.

"Can you braid my hair? I've always loved braids, but I don't like anyone touching my hair, you though, are my favorite person ever and that's why I'll let you do it for me. Oh, I didn't even ask if you know how to braid or not, wait no, obviously all girls know how to braid hair" She chattered flipping her silver hair acting like she's doing me a favor.

"Yeah, I do know how to braid, sure, I'll braid your hair, thanks, I'd be privileged" I concluded sarcastically.

She giggled and snapped her fingers. A brush and some hair ties with big bows appeared out of thin air.

I braided quietly, thinking about Ash and paying zero attention to chatter box.

"Let's go take a walk around, we've been sitting here since forever, oh did I show you the grand hall? Wait no, I know a better place to go. Have you ever been to Cloudaria, obviously no, humans aren't aloud there and anyways,you won't remain a human for long so it's no biggie if I take you there, I'm the queen obviously I make rules and I can break them anytime I want" She babbled pulling me off my feet.

Wait, am I hovering?

"You can fly?" I widened my eyes at her.

"Obviously I can and I can do ma-" I put my palm on her mouth to stop her.

We were flying, she didn't have wings but she flew effortlessly, and she was holding my hand.

I wondered how I became feather light but then I remembered nothing's  real.

We flew over the never ending garden where we were sat in. The sky was cloudless, the sun shown brightly.

She stopped abruptly, bursting my bubble of thought. "Close your eyes" she giggled.

I did.

After around 5 seconds, she asked me to open them.

I gasped in surprise. The surroundings had changed. I hovered in the middle of a vast hall. Pheona lowered as down, leaving my side she walked over to the big throne.

She perched herself on the throne, looking awkwardly small and grinned.

"Welcome to my empire"

"You're empire?"


I laughed out loud. "You're barely 9"

She pouted.

"I'm 89,065 years 7 months 4 days 9 hours 45 minutes 5 seconds old" She Scoffed.

I laugh out louder.

"And who made you the emperor?" I teased.

"The Angels" She trumpeted.

I held back the laugh this time. She flared her nostrils at me.

She was clearly pissed off. Hoping to lighten the mood, I changed the topic.

"Won't you show me around your empire?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot, let's go!" She exclaimed leaving the throne and ran over to me.

She walked me out of the castle, the ground was made of...

Solid clouds?

Not just the ground, the castle itself was made of clouds. There were people, sulking around, they had silver eyes and hair.

I never thought my mind could make up such weird things.

"Let's go back now" She said.

I realized since we came here, Pheona has been uncharacteristically quiet.

I gave a curt nod.

"Close your eyes."

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