Chapter 12

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Damien's PoV

The pain I've been going through for days started to cease as she left posession of my body.

Her ghost stood there over the girls body examining god knows what. After a while, she possessed the girl's body that lay limp on the altar.

I tried to move my body, nothing happened, I forced to no awail. Though she had left my body, I was still under her control.

The girl's limp body shot up sitting straight. Then glanced at me. Her skin as pale as ice.

I tried to speak, "Will you let go of me now?"  I was surprised when words left my throat effortlessly.

"No" She said flatly.

I wondered who the girl is and why had Lara made me bring her here.

"Who is she?"

"None of your concern!" she snapped. Her chocolate brown eyes were void of emotions.

"Why can't I move my body?" I couldn't stop myself from speaking after being able to actually talk after so long.

"Shut up or I'll rip that damn throat of yours!"

I rolled my eyes.

I remember meeting Lara for the first time. She was warm and beautiful, all I thought I needed. She was there for me when I was turned. Guess what, life as a werewolf sucks.

Even though I was 15 when my parents died, I still had an uncle, I was 17 when he passed away, since then, I worked in a cafe to pay the bills. Life wasn't so bad untill I was bitten.


I was bleeding, ahh shit. That thug had stolen my phone, that's fine but why the hell did he bite me?

Now, do I have to go to the hospital?

I started walking, the pain in the arm kept increasing with each pace. My head shot up as I heard a howl.

I saw a wolf staring back at me with big black eyes, the moon glowed full behind him. He howled again.

I felt a sharp pain go through my body, my fingers turning to claws, brown hair growing from my face and arms, my limbs started to distort.

I was turning to a wolf, my clothes ripping to shreds. I ran on all fours, I don't remember how long I had ran for when I knocked over someone.

I scanned the surroundings, I saw tall, dark trees on all sides, when I glanced down, I saw a human, draped in a long black coat with a deep hood, her blue-green eyes twinkled in the twilight.

I don't remember what happened after that but when I woke up I found myself in a strange old cottage, supine on a cold bed, my arm where the guy had bitten was tied with bandages.

Months passed, I remained with the girl as she taught me how to bring my wolf under control. We developed feelings for eachother, sometimes I felt grateful for having her.

Somedays, I did wonder how much information about supernatural beings she has, as a human, she did seem extraordinary. Sometimes, she used to disappear for hours and whenever I asked her whereabouts, she'd just shake my questions off like nothing.

And so, one day I followed her, from our small cottage in the less dense part of the woods, to the most dense part. She walked to what looked like a clearing one moment and the next, it was a cemetery.

She walked to a stone building, I followed quietly. She closed the door behind her, I peaked through a small hole that the door possessed.

She walked to an altar where a child's body lay, over the child's body, stood a boy around my age.

She walked over to him and pulled him into an embrace, then she took a dagger from him and plunged it right in his heart.

My breath caught in my throat, I couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes.

Then she brought the dagger down. I was born a coward but I couldn't remain glued to the door like a statue while she slayed the innocent child, so kicked the door open and ran to her

"Stop!" I yelled.

But before I could get close enough to her, I was stopped by an unseen force.


I watched in horror as she sliced the little boy's neck.

"Why?" I whimpered.

"Oh babe, don't be scared, I won't kill you yet, you've been my most favorite victim ever" she smiled warmly.

"What are you?" I asked in horror as she squeezed the young man's heart, dripping blood on her pale face.

"Are you scared?" She let out laugh.

That was enough, my wolf couldn't hold back anymore. I shifted and with full force lunged at her, but I was thrown away, at least half a mile away from the building.

I crashed against hard ground, without stopping to think anymore, I ran.

I had ran for hours, I ran to the only home I knew. Curse my luck, I had the house on rent, it must've been rented by someone else while I was away.

I entered the house by breaking the door. I heard a child's screams. My thoughts diverted to the small trap door. I could hide there.

I jumed down and locked the trap door. I could hear the mother soothing her child. When they were far from earshot, I opened the trap door. Light from the room fell on the thing I was standing at, it was a crystal, as blue as the sky.

I picked it up and dusted out of the house.

I had the crystal sold and survived for a week, after that I started stealing, when the police arrested me, I was grateful for atleast having shelter and food. That didn't last for long, the alpha of the werewolf pack of my city had taken me in, and I was living a peaceful life before the nightmares started.

SpiritOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora