Chapter 23

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Ash's PoV

"So, will you help me?" I asked swallowing my pride for the billionth time for Ellie.

"I need to think" She said getting up.

I scowled.

"Great" I murmured sarcastically.

"I" she sighed, "fine."

"I need to get back, my eh.. 'friend' might be in trouble" I said thinking back to Cryus and the group of spirits that was after us.

"Get back?"

"I'm stuck in the barrier separating earth and Cloudaria" I explained.


I'm literally fed up of these 'ohs'

I waited for her to talk.

"Will you come to meet me after that?" She asked.

I nodded impatiently.

"Ok but" she paused.

Now what?

"Tell your father that I miss him"



"Take this" she said taking a small ring off her thin ring finger.

She pulled my hand such that the palm was facing upwards. Putting the ring on my palm she spoke "this ring will help you get full control on your powers, I had planned to give it to you on you 100th birthday but apparently you need it now"

I arched a brow.

"Thanks" I said flatly.

"Promise me you'll come soon" she demanded.

Her immaturity was kinda off putting.

"Promise" I tried not to roll my eyes.

She smiled.

"Close your eyes"

I did as I was asked.

The air around me started to grow heavier, my mind went hazy. The group beneath my feet started to dissolve. After some moments, I felt like I was floating.

Floating soon turned to falling. I could feel cool wind hitting my body. Taking that as I clue, I opened my eyes.

I was falling towards the ground at a high speed. I closed my eyes yet again and summoned my wings. My glossy black wings protruded from my shoulder blades, ripping my already shredded shirt.

I rather sped up and shot towards the direction of the woods. I saw Cyrus surrounded by... smoke? When I was close enough I realized those were spirits.

I stopped in mid air, suddenly aware of the ring in the fist.

Lifting my hand, I examined the ring, time to check if it actually works.

Fortunately, it moved halfway down the pinkie.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated.

Nothing was felt.

I focused harder. I felt no difference yet again. Giving up, I decided to open my eyes.

Scanning my body from head to toe, I saw nothing.

Pain shot through me, I hunched over.

All of a sudden, my whole body was on fire. Surprisingly, I didn't feel any kind of pain anymore.

My breaths started to get heavier.

"Go away!" I yelled at the 'fire'.

To my surprise, the fire was actually gone at my command.

I looked down at the spirits once more.

Cyrus, apparently, was struggling.

My breathing was still ragged. I seriously wasn't in the room to fight them now.

More then anything, I want my wings to get back on fire so I could just scare those damned spirits away.

My wings actually ablazed once more.

I sped towards Cyrus's direction.

I ceased once I was right in front of Cyrus.

"Go away!" I commanded.

None moved.

Rolling my eyes inwardly, I snapped my fingers together.

All the spirits except Cyrus started burning.

I smirked.

"Come on!" I yelled taking Cyrus by the arm.

I pulled him down and flew as fast as I could to our hiding place.

Soon enough we were surrounded by vines.

We slipped down the tunnel and landed on cold ground. The place was dark.

"Woah!" Cyrus laughed.

I heard something bang against the table.

All the lights suddenly came to life.


Glancing at the table, I met a familiar gaze.

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