Chapter 18

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Aiden's PoV

I sat in the vast meeting office with several other spirits, including the Queen.

"I want to change the design of the castle, shifting my room down here" she said making an arrow on the whiteboard " and shifting the offices to the top left wing. Ooh, I want the hall beside my room to be cleaned, my closet is running out of space"

She kept chattering while drawing what looked like crisscrossing carrots on the board.

I scanned the place, eyeing the bored look on everyone's faces.

Emunah entered the office, she crossed the room and stood beside the Queen, sending me a curt nod.


"Here's the plan" I paused thinking for a moment "I'm gonna signal Ash"

"Demon boy?" Emunah frowned.

I nodded.

"Have you lost your mind?" She snapped.

"It's the only way, trust me, he's the only one who can help"

"What's the plan?" She said.

I was actually surprised to see her agreeing so easily.

"I'm gonna go to the flare room and signal him, he won't take more than ten minutes to come" I explained.


"Then he'll free Cyrus and go back" I lied.

She raised a brow at me then spoke "Seriously, you're a terrible liar"

"Uhh, I... I can't tell you" I murmured.

She seemed in thought for a moment then replied "fine"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing was legit. Emunah was being uncharacteristically nice.

"There's a meeting in 30 minutes, that, anyone can join, I suggest you stay there while Ash plays hero" She said picking the keys from the table and left slamming the office door shut.

Ok, I guess, time to get on with the business.

I left my office and walked through the hallway to the stairs. After ascending about a hundred steps, I finally reached the flare room, which was actually set at the castle's middle wing's attic. The door of the attic was painted with rainbow colored glitter.

I pushed the door open and entered. I examined the supplies with my mouth agape.

There were almost a million different types of flares and fireworks. Even fairies trpped inside small bottles, I couldn't help but feel bad for them.

Ash, being a demon, couldn't enter this realm without the help of a being that has access here.

My peripheral caught sight of fairy flares.

Exactly what I needed.

I picked the tiny missle shaped transparent bottle in which two fairies were asleep. I picked it up, examined it.

Turning it over, I found the instructions at the back of the bottle.

'Shake and open the lid' some space then "do not forget the details" was all that was stated.

I shook the bottle. When I stopped, I could see the fairies opening their eyes. I moved to the lid at the bottom and twisted it open.

Fireworks started to explode all around me, after a few horribly long moments, the fireworks stopped.

Two tiny fairies stood before me.

"Master" both of them bowed before me, then glared at eachother.

"You stole my line!" Orange one scolded the purple one.

"No I didn't!" Purple one snapped.


"Stop it!"

Both stopped, standing straight.

Without wasting any other time, I spoke with an authoritative voice "their's a young demon named Ash, black hair, brown eyes, olive toned skin, 6'0 foot height, always wears black, bring him here"

I thought once more about the details.

"Yes master" both bowed glaring at eachother yet again.

With that they left.

10 minutes later, the orange one appeared.

"Master, we've brought him but leading him to the castle would've been risky" she said.

"Lead me to him"

The little creature flew and I followed. She led me to the back of the castle, I could spot Ash's black wings in the distance.

I glided over the clouds to him.

"Where's Cyrus?" He asked me.

"He's at the dungeons, pls don't kill me for that, we don't have much time, I'll lead you to the entrance of dungeons, free Cyrus, when you get back to earth he'll tell you what happened" I said quickly.

He raised a brow at me.

Oh shit!

I should've taken the keys from Emunah.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me.

"I don't have the keys, how are you gonna open the cell?"

"No worries" he said snapping his fingers together. A bunch of keys appeared out of the blue.

I sighed out of relief.

"Fairies, you're dismissed"

The fairies disappeared with a pop.


After leading Ash to the dungeons, I rushed to the meeting office, running into Emunah by the door.

"You made it!" She exclaimed.

"Emunah?" I said.


"Can you lead the to the main hall through the basement?" I almost pleaded.

"Okay" I watched her as she walked down the hallway.

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