Chapter 2

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Ash's PoV

I lay on my bed while Ellie slept peacefully in my arms. I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She grimaced and I giggled. I love her so much.

"Wake up love" I murmured.

She opened her big brown eyes and smiled at me.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you too" I murmured.

She smiled again but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Then she closed her eyes.

"Babe wake up" I said softly.

She didn't.

"Ellie wake up please" I begged.

"She won't wake" I heard a voice.

"She won't wake"

"She won't wake"

"She won't wake"

"Stop!" I woke up panting. My body was trembling. I could feel my chest getting heavier.

Ever since Ellie went 'asleep' I've been having nightmares repeatedly about that night.

I got out of the bed and concentrated. Enormous black wings protuded from my shoulder blades. I flew out of the floor to ceiling window of my room.

I flew across the massive pandemonium I called home and into the woods.

My destination was the cemetery, where Ellie was but I descended down to the town of ashes.

When my feet touched the ground, I crouched and grabbed some ash in my fist.

I regretted what I had done. I was a murderer now. A knot started to tighten in my chest.

I needed to see Ellie now.

I left the ruins and flew to the cemetery.

Tears started to burn at the back of my throat when I reached her tomb.

I never wanted to leave her here, I wanted to put her coffin right there in my room but my father wouldn't agree. I had no choice but to leave her here. I had a tomb built for her. Decorated with the things she liked.

I walked in through the massive door and entered the vast hall. It had white walls with flowering plants. Pools of sparkling water on both sides, in the middle stood her glass coffin.

I walked over to her. She wasn't dead but she wasn't alive either. My father had told me that she was stuck in the an intermediate state, somewhere between life and death.

Her eyes were closed. Her eye lashes brushed against her skin. Her skin had lost its olive tone, now it was as white as the dress she was wearing. Her black hair cascaded down her shoulders.

I touched the coffin. Tears started to stream down my face. I love her so much. So much that I killed hundred of people when I thought I had lost her.

I set the whole town on fire, the town which was the reason for her state. I had set all ghosts alight. The woods that were once home to demons, ghosts and humans are now the reign of demons alone.

"I love you" I said out aloud even though I knew she won't hear.

"I love you so much" I cried resting my head on the glass coffin.

The spirit had lied to me. My father didn't know anyone about how to bring her back. I wouldn't have believed him otherwise but he the thing was that he couldn't lie. All demons are cursed and blessed at the same time. I could snap things out of thin air but at the same time, I was extremely destructive, while my father, he can sense the future but cannot lie. Before Ellie fell into this state, he had warned me about her death. I never listened and so here I was. Crying my insides out.

"Come back to me" I whimpered.

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