Chapter 20

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Cyrus's PoV

I followed Ash running up the stairs, within minutes we were in a small corridor.

A small smile crept on my lips.

Almost there.

My smile vanished when I spotted a silhouette at the mouth of the exit.

Aiden stood there, his face was grim, his mouth was set in a line.

I hadn't forgotten that he was the one who beckoned Ash, but if he wanted to  get me freed then why did he betray me at first place?

I rolled my eyes when we were close enough.

"The Queen's sending troops, you need to get outa here quick" Aiden said.

I rolled my eyes once more at him stating the obvious.

"We have brains if you remember" I spat.

Ash glanced at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I know I pissed you off but it ain't time for that" Aiden spoke.

I glared at him.

"We need to go" Ash spoke softly

I nodded and started walking.

"I'm sorry" I heard Aiden saying.

My head shot backwards, my eyes meeting his. I blinked away.

"You comin?" I asked Ash who still stood beside Aiden.

Without speaking, Ash started walking.

"Just one more thing" Aiden muttered.

I reluctantly turned my head in his direction.

"Ellie and you uh.."

"Ellie and I what?"

"She's your daughter" he said quickly.

"What?" I practically yelled.

I remember him mentioning that he went through my files and I did feel affection towards the girl but this was totally unexpected.

"I wanted to tell you earlier but-" he paused "I gotta go they're coming"

With that, he started rushing to the direction we came from.

I stood there thinking.

Was it true?

Was Ellina really my daughter?

My thoughts were disrupted by Ash practically yanking my shoulder.

"We gotta go" Ash flapped his fingers.

He pulled me with him, within moments we were far away from the castle.

I couldn't bring myself to fly, I was thinking, over thinking.

"Stop!" I said quickly.

Ash stopped.

"What?" He asked me.

"Why are you doing this for her?" I asked awkwardly.

"We can talk later, I can see the troops approaching" he said pointing where we just came from.

I glanced around, he was correct, the spirits were closing in. Talking could wait.

"Fine" I said.

Without waiting for Ash, I stormed down, squeezing my eyes shut.

We need to find Ellie as soon as possible.

When I knew I was out of the clouds that acted as a barrier between earth and Cloudaria I opened my eyes.

I glanced around, Ash was nowhere to be seen.

"Ash?" I called scanning the surroundings over amd over again.

Oh shit!

He couldn't pass through the barrier unless I helped him.

I slapped my forehead. How the hell can I be so careless?

I knew I needed to find him but I couldn't go back to Cloudaria knowing the guards would catch me.

It's not like they can harm him in anyway.

I could feel the spirit closing in yet again.

I shot downwards, back to the woods.

I descended down and hid among the trees. After what felt like hours passed, I finally decided to get out of my hiding place, only to find myself surrounded.

Fuck spirit life!

I was attacked from all four sides. I didn't fight knowing it wouldn't work. Right when I was about to loose hope when I spotted something in the horizon.

Ash approached me at the speed of lightning, his wings..

His wings were on fire!

My eyes widened.

He closed in on us, I could trace fury in his eyes.

He scanned me then the other spirits with ragged breaths.

"Go away" he commanded them.

He said, the spirits didn't even budge.

He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers.

And fire was all I saw after that.

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