Chapter 6

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Damien's PoV

I ran skimmed through the forest at wolf speed. Despite the fact that I'm possessed, I can still see and hear everything. I have no control over my body but I can still think.

Let's hold up for a moment. I'm Damien, a 36 year old werewolf, I look 20 become I was turned to a wolf on my 20th birthday. Sad.

A week ago, I had a dream of my ex girlfriend asking for help. I ignored it at first but then I started having nightmares of her. Having enough, last night I decided to go to the place she was beckoning me to. When I came, boom. I found out she's dead and her ghost took over my body.

So, here I am. She running through the forest ever since she possessed me. I didn't even know where she's heading to.

"Will you ever plan to let go of me?" I tried to talk to her in my mind.

"Shut up"  she snapped.

Ah! There's no one I hate more than her.

I didn't try to speak up again knowing she'd shut me up anyways.

My wolf, or I'd say, She came to an abrupt halt and glanced around. I could see whatever she saw, A vast clearing and ashes.

My wolf howled, I swear on my life I've never howled so loud.

Just a moment after she made me shift, something banged on my head.

Ow! That hurt!

"Asswhole!" She made me mutter under my breath.

She turned about to see nothing, then something lunged at me knocking me off my feet.

"Get the hell off me you dark damned spirit!" She made me say.

A translucent guy with silver eyes and hair stood over me.


He looked taken aback. Without saying another word, he stormed off.

"What was that?" I tried to talk to her in my mind.

"None of  your concern"

If I could, I'd roll my eyes.

She made me stand up and shift again. Eh, if she wanted to shift again then why did she shift back at first place?


She made me run back into the woods, after a while we stood in front of what looked like a cemetery. A big building stood in the middle.

She made me enter through the massive door into a vast hall. The hall itself was all flowers with..

Are those indoor swimming pools?

In the middle stood a glass coffin with a beautiful young girl inside.

Is she dead?

Her body was colorless, her chest rose and fell in a rythm that was peculiarly slow.

She made me shift back.

Before I knew, I punched the glass coffin. The glass shattered into what looked like a million pieces.

I winced inwardly. I glanced down, my hand was bleeding.

She made me pic the body and hang it over my shoulder, then sbe made me break into a run.

Ash's PoV

"Now, will you tell me how to get her back?" I asked the smoke like figure aka the spirit.

"Yeah, but first you need to make a blood oath" He spoke.

"And you popped out of nowhere and believe me I trust you blindly" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

I knew I couldn't trust it but I could risk anything for Ellie can't I?

"What do you want me to do?"

"Show me your true appearance" I smirked.

"Hell no!"

"Then get out of here" I said flatly relaxing my back on the cushions that lay neatly on my bed.

There was no way I was letting it go, but I couldn't explain how fun it was hearing a spirit curse.

"Fine!" He snapped.

I gave the first legitimate chuckled in months.

I watched curiously as he started taking a form. I have never seen a spirit's true form before.

He took form of a yound man in his early twenties. He eyes were silver and so were his hair. He looked familiar from some

"How old were you when you died?" I asked bluntly.

"23." he said flatly.

I couldn't help but feel but feel bad for him.

"Your turn" he said.

I got up and snapped my fingers. A blade appeared out of thin air. I grabbed the blade and slashed my palm.

"I take oath that I, Ash Blacknight, will never betray you."

"You're name's Ash?" He said changing the subject.

"Yeah, are you planning to tell me your's?"

"I'm Cyrus" he smiled at me.

"So, how're we gonna wake her up?"


Sorry ya'll I ain't proof reading.

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