Chapter 5

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Cyrus's PoV

I stood in front of Ellie's glass coffin. Her face was relaxed. She looked so beautiful even in this state.

I can't do this.

I can't kill her. I don't want to be her killer. I can't do this.

What if I?

The thought hit me in a flash. I have an idea, that might save both me amd Ellie if it worked.

I glided out the tomb and within seconds I was in air. I hovered over the tomb for a moment thinking which direction the pandemonium is.

"I think it was towards east" I think out loud.

I fly towards the direction I think I'll find the great demon civilization. I hear a howl from somewhere down in the woods.

But werewolves don't live here do they?

I wondered what a werewolf would do here. Anyhow, I decided to give it a check. I descended following the sound of the howl.

The wolf stood in the middle of the town of ashes, the town that once used to be home to humans before the demon boy had burnt it to ground.

When my feet touched the ground, the wolf slowly started to shift. Now he stood there in his human form.

Let's scare the shit out of him!

I smirked. I picked a burnt log and threw it on his head. It hit him with a bang, cursing he turned his head to face me but before he could face me, I lunged at him knocking him down.

"Get the hell off me you dark damned spirit!" He yelled, his voice betrayed any signs of dread.

I was taken aback. It was the same guy I had scared the first time I stepped foot on earth as a spirit, the same guy who was turned to a werewolf when I had scared him the next time.

And how on earth did he know I'm a spirit? And when the hell did he become so brave?

That wasn't a good thing, but I was too preoccupied to pay anymore attention to him. So, I just up and dusted.

I flew fast towards the pandemonium, sparing myself any more thouhts over the werewolf.

I was inside the city in moments. Ash, being the prince, lived in the only castle the city possessed.

I could see his silhouette from afar, he was standing alone on top of the castle. Wind ruffled his black hair. I was close to enough to talk to him now, but before I opened my mouth to speak, he jumped off the edge.

If I had a heart, it would slam against my chest. I watched him getting closer to the ground.

He's gonna hit! He's gonna hit!

I squeezed my eyes shut. Waiting for the impact. For a while nothing happened, then i heard a loud whoosh. I opened my eyes to see Ash landing beside me.

Oh yeah.

I had totally forgotten that he possesses wings, enormous glossy black wings to be certain, which I deeply envied.

I knew he couldn't see my real appearance if I don't allow him, but he could see me as a smoke like figure.

Neglecting me, he walked past.

I didn't speak. Just followed him to his room. I didn't want to talk here anyways.

"Stop following me" he said flatly, banging his room door shut on my face.


I went through the door and entered his vast bedroom. I glanced around. Everything was in black and white.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Why did you lie to me?" He spoke.

"It wasn't me who lied, you were too grievous at that moment to distinguish the voices"

It was Aiden who had lied to him, not me.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"There were three spirits there, me, the one who was trying to stop me and the one who lied to you"

He rolled his eyes not having any of it.

"What are you here for?" He got on business.

"I know how to bring her back"

His chocolate brown eyes lit up for a moment then darkened again "Stop feeding me the same shit"

"You wouldn't say that if you know I was the one who trapped her soulinher body so she wouldn't die" I said.

"And why would you do that?" He frowned.

"Because I think she's somebody I knew in my previous life"

He looked down and though for a while.

"Trust me, I can help you" I said.

"Hold up. Why would you do that"

"Because I need help too" I expressed.

He raised a brow at me.

"The Queen wants me to kill her, but I can't knowing you would kill me. But if I don't follow Queen's order, She'll have me dead" I said quickly.

"Spirits can't be killed" he looked at me like I'm the biggest fool on the face of earth.

"What? You can't eat me?"

He chuckled "No"

But a ghost had told me demons can eat spirits.

I slapped my forehead. Even though the demon couldn't see me, I was still embarrassed as hell.

"Now, will you tell me how to get her back?"

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