Chapter 7

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Aiden's PoV

I sat peacefully in my office, doing nothing. Being a spirit sucks. Though I'm 1,872 years old, I still haven't got my memories back. Some get their memories after 1000 years and some even take 2000 years.

I have been patient all this time and I wonder why Cyrus was so curious. A voice echoed disrupting my moment.

"Aiden! I want you in the main hall, now!"

I glided across my room and to the vast main hall.

"Yes Your Majesty" I bowed.

"Why the hell is the girl not dead yet?"

It's been almost 12 hours since I confronted Cyrus.

"Apologies Queen, I do not understand why he's taking so long, I'll go talk to him again." I said not meeting her eyes.

"You better go quick" She rolled her eyes then shoved the lollipop back in her mouth.

Taking that as a sign of dismissal, I went back to my office.

"May I come in?" Emunah asked with a frown.


"We have a new member, here are his files" She said putting a folder on my table.

I gave a curt nod and she sashayed away.

I perched myself on my chair and wondered.

Why the hell is he not killing her?

Why is he taking so long, wait, why did he even save her at first place? What if she is someone whom he knew in his past life. But the girl is too young and Cyrus died fifteen years ago.

I glanced down at the folder laying neatly on my table. A thought hit me. What if I...

I opened the caben where we kept the folders.

Cyrus Herrington

Cyrus Herrington

I kept repeating that at the back of my head like a mantra while skimming through the piles.

I found the folder with his name, pulling it out I opened it. Ok, so this is against rules but, I need to figure the ruckus out.

I picked the small turquoise crystal and pressed it against my forehead.

I was in the realm of his mind, which resembled a black void, his memories were scattered, levitating her and there. Without thinking, I touched the first memory.

All of a sudden, I was in a foreign body, his body.

"Is it done?" He asked the man who stood beside him.

"Yes, next session will be on Monday." The guy who apparantly, was a doctor said. He pulled the tube and needle out of Cyrus's arm.

"Will she be ok?" He said with a concerned voice.

"She'll be alright, don't worry love" A girl kissed his forehead.

"Ava, can you bring her to me"

The girl walked over to the next bed and picked up a little girl, who looked around 2.

She gave her to him, She was wearing a beautiful diamond ring.

He cradled the toddler in his arms. She looked sick, almost bloodless.

"Daddy's gonna save you, I promise"

Despite her condition, she gave a smile, she had dimples.

I opened my eyes to get out of the memory, I pulled the crystal away from my forehead and stared at it for a while.

The baby was surely his daughter, and the girl who looked around 18, was surely his wife.

I felt bad for him, he had left behind a family when he had died.

I was curious to know how he had died. So, I pressed the crystal against my forehead once more.

I was in the realm again, I touched
He was walking in a park, his daughter held one hand of his while his wife held the other.

"Dada, pick me up" the toddler raised her arms.

He carried her and spoke, "it's late babe, we should go home"

His wife nodded.

"Where did you park the car?" He asked his wife.

"Eh, there was no space here so, I left across the alley" She scrunched her nose.

He walked out of the park holding his daughter in one arm and wife in the other.

"Babe, your holding us like it's our last night together" She chuckled.

I heard footsteps, which means Cyrus was hearing them too.

When he glanced back, I know he thought they were just a thug following them but I knew he's a rogue vampire.

He elevated his pace. When he looked back, the vampire wasn't there anymore. He sighed but didn't slow down.

"That's a shortcut, come on" He said.

They were in the middle of the alley when someone jumped from somewhere above them.

His wife, Ava screamed.

Cyrus pulled a knife from his pocket and shoved the toddler in Ava's arms.

"Take Ellie and run to the car, don't look back"

"I'm not leaving you alone" She sobbed.

"You are, plea-" before he could finish, a vampire lunged at him, knocking him down.

He stabbed the vampire in his back. The vampire chuckled then punched him.

"Go!" Screamed at the top of his lungs right before the vampire plunged his fangs in Cyrus's neck.

Reluctantly, Ava ran.

I pulled the crystal away from my forehead.

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