Chapter 53: The End

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"No! Don't run Alucard!" Leonard yelled after his child who is running in the mud. His whole outfit is basically covered in mud.
Ana will definitely kill him for letting their son look like this with brand new clothes.
"But I'm so fast daddy! Look!" and then he runs, his arms mimicking airplane wings.
"Yes, I see son." Alucardo giggled and runs into him, his suit now ruined as well, but he smiled. He loved his children, Ana would often scold him about how he's being to lenient on them. Ana is the strict one with strict rules and everything, which is funny, they always go to her when they did something bad, but all the mischief they do they go to him.
They say 'Mamma knows best', heavy blow for his fatherhood.
"Dadda!" A voice yells from behind, it was Julian, his second son. He stood there at the door, away from the dirt. His arms reaching out to him.
"What is it Julian?" He picks Julian up.
"Momma?" Of coarse he's looking for his mother. Which child ever seeks his father if not to know there his mother is?
"Momma is on a bussines trip Julian, she'll be home later today." He gets all tear eyed.
Oh no.
"I want Momma!" He yells and then he starts to cry, Alucardo was fast to run to his younger brother's aid.
"Why did Daddy make July cry?" Alucardo pouts.
"He just wants your mother, but she's not here yet." He tries to explain, but it backfired.
"I want Momma too! Why is Momma not here yet?" He also gets teary eyed and he panics.
"She'll be here any moment now."
"Is not! You sent Momma away!" Dear goddess help him.

"Why do I here my babies crying?" His lovely wife appears at the door, little Finn sleeping in his stroller. He's just a few months old now.
"Momma!" The boys yelled in sync and rushed to her, the tears are long forgotten and replaced with smiles and laughter.
"Hello my babies, I missed you guys soo much!" She peppers kisses all over their faces.
"We missed you too Momma, Daddy can't make yummy food." Alucardo pouts and he sees Ana smirk his way and he chuckles.
He might have told her that the boys say they love his food more.
"Is that so? But Daddy said you loved his cooking."
Julian does his best frown face, looking all pouty.
"It's bad to lie Daddy." He gulped.
Ana gasped over dramatically, her hand on her chest in shock to add effect, "And what do we do when someone lies?"
"Make him do stuff he doesn't want to!"
It goes that if the children lie, then they have to do chores, that the maids do, to perfection. Very effective.
"Yes, my clever boys. I think Daddy's punishment should be tooo...." Their eyes shined with anticipation of what his punishment chore would be.
"You're not old enough to know yet." Ana grins as the boys 'awed' in disappointment.
"But for now, go get cleaned up and I'll make a lovely family dinner for us." That got them running.

He walks over to his wife, over the years, she has only grown more beautiful and has become a very great queen and she's very powerful with her elf magic.
"So my Queen, what will my punishment be?" He asked as he takes her in his arms and gave her a kiss long awaited for by both.
"I've been gone for soo long without you, I think you need to make up for that tonight." She whispered, her eyes shining with lust.
"Then that, my queen, is what I shall do."
She smilled and kissed him once more. "I missed you Leo."
"I misses you just as much, how was Finn doing?"
Finn went with her since he still needs to breastfeed.
"Quiet as always, only squirms when he wants a bottle or diaper change." He chuckles, "Wish the twins were like that, would have been great." She laughs with him.
"Indeed Husband, indeed."
He remembers how the twins would yell and cry if they needed something, always at the same time. He always panicked when they started, scared he would let them fall or something.

"Mommy!" Speaking of the devil.
Little Alecia comes running, her white blond hair was a mess, her ribbons falling out, covered in also dirt.
"Look at my little Sunshine!" Without hesitation she scooped her up.
"What have you been up to?" Alecia's eyes shined and gave a toothy smile.
"I was chasing a rabbit! A pretty brown one mommy!"
"Really? Did you catch it?" Alecia pouts.
"No, it hops around to much." She folds her arms in frustration.
"That is what bunny's do, or else a predator might catch them." Ana explained and Alecia's eyes grew wide.
"But I'm not a predator, I just wanna pet it."
He smiled at his beloved daughter, she loves all animals and wants to pet them.
"We know that honey, but the Bunny doesn't."
"It doesn't?" She asked in wonder. She also has a hunger for knowledge, about animals, that is.
"No Sunshine." She pouts, "Oh, but then how do I talk to them?"
"Only a dragon can."
"A dragon!?"
Alecia's eyes shined and she clapped her hands.
"I want a dragon, Daddy!" He should have known.
"No one has seen them in centuries Alecia, they went into hiding."
And then his daughter got sad again, but smiled.
"Then I'll search for one and I'll love it forever!"

Late that night he held Ana in his arms as they stare up at the night sky.
"Our children arw growing up so fast." She humms.
"I didn't think we would get pregnant after the twins, but then I got pregnant two more times."
"And blessed me with two more sons, you truly are amazing Ana."
She kissed his cheek, "It takes two to tango love."
He gave pecks along her neck, "Want to tango again my beloved?" He whispered.
"I wouldn't say no, it was a long week without you."
"Indeed it was."
He scooped her up and walks to te bed.
"Love me forever, Leo."
"I will Ana."


I really felt like writing just one more chapter just that cherry on the cake you know.

A special thanks to:

You guys were with me there from the start, always voting first, commenting on most of my chapters if not all. I always looked forward to your responses. Thank you for supporting me and giving me advice and ideas! 😭🤭☺️💕💐
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Also questions that I saw on some of the comments during the story.

*Why couldn't Kevin smell Ana?
=She died, (became a vampire) so her scent changed drastically because Leo turned her, a royal.

*If Ana is a werewolf/elf princess, shouldn't her rejection have killed Kevin?
=Technically yes, but Kevin did the rejection, so he wouldn't have felt the affect immediately, it slowly killed his wolf, which is why she killed him after the trail. He was going insane and on the brink of death. He also would have hurt Dorothy and his pup, so Ana killed him to protect Dorothy and his unborn pup.

*Will I be writing about Dorothy and her mate and pups?
=Who knows, might make a short story about it?

=Working on it because I really want to do a sequel. You guys will be the first to know.

My question to you:
What do you expect if I give you a sequel? Story line ideas?

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